3 Steps to Make Empowered Decisions
In order to make empowered decisions, it’s important to intentionally choose to make a decision from your soul, not your mind.
So, let’s talk about the voice of the soul versus the voice of the mind.
What is the voiCE of the soul?
The voice is the soul of the part of you that is beyond trust — it just knows. Some may call this intuition, but it’s deeper… it’s something that can’t be explained by the mind.
The soul is the part of you that is directly connected to God/Spirit/The Universe, and has direct access to knowing what is best for you on your life path.
Your soul is the part of you that trusts life, and knows deep down that your true essence is love.
Your soul incarnated here to learn certain lessons and experience certain things, so that it can grow and so that you can heal.
The voice of the soul is about expressing the core of your truth. When you make decisions from the soul, you live in alignment with your soul purpose… the reason you came here.
how is that different than the heart?
While the voice of the heart is about desire, pleasure, and joy — the voice of the soul is about truth and evolution.
The soul and the heart oftentimes work together and align, causing a decision to feel amazing on every level. Yet, sometimes their voices conflict.
The voice of your soul is the part of you that knows what is best for your soul on your path of evolution.
Making a decision from the soul might, at times, be difficult or even painful for the heart.
Ultimately, the path of the heart feels “good,” while the path of the soul feels like complete liberation and alignment with your truth… and oftentimes, with time, the heart joins along — allowing for joy and love to be present even in the times of big, life-changing decisions.
So, what about the mind?
Let’s get one thing straight — the mind is not your enemy… it’s a tool! Yet, the mind is what creates doubt.
When your soul feels something, knows something, or feels called in a certain direction, the mind will often make up stories of doubt in order to keep you safe.
The mind and the ego are both here to keep you safe and do what’s familiar. They are programmed to protect you from any potential risk.
That is a GIFT, and an invaluable tool! Yet, the mind doesn’t understand the language of the soul, because it cannot be explained by logic.
When it comes to making decisions, it’s important not to let the voices of doubt within your mind run the show. This can hold you back from the path your soul is meant to walk in this lifetime.
If you are committed to not just doing what feels comfortable, but what will ultimately guide you on your path of soul evolution and healing, we must lovingly choose to quiet the monkey mind and amplify the voice of the soul.
3 Steps to Make Empowered Decisions (in alignment with your soul)…
Lovingly ask for your mind to take a step back, and invite the true voice of your soul to step forward.
The mind is a sacred tool, so honor it as such. Acknowledge your mind, thank it for its service, and ask it to step back so that the voice of the soul can come through.
“Mind, you are amazing. You keep me safe and guide me through logic. You protect me. You’ve done an amazing job. Thank you so much! Now, I want to lovingly ask you to step back so that I can also hear the voice of my soul. We are safe. Please take a seat and relax for a while. It’s okay to let the soul lead. Thank you.”
If you need to release the opinions, voices, and beliefs of others, listen to the free Reclaim Your Energy meditation as a part of step one.
Let the voice of your soul speak freely without a filter.
Drop all expectations of the voice of your soul being perfect in its expression, tied up with a pretty bow. Allow the voice of your soul to surprise you.
Let her make sounds, let her sigh, let her cry… or do anything else that feels natural.
Your soul may even guide your body to move in unexpected ways. Let your soul take the lead, and let her truth be expressed.
She may show you symbols, feelings, words, movements, or sounds. Let it all come through.
Drop all hesitation, and simply let your voice/body/soul be FREE.
I highly recommend creating a sacred space to express out loud, and then writing about your experience in a journal. If you don’t feel you have the space to express aloud, this can be done as a journaling exercise.
Ask your soul about a specific decision you want to make. For maximum clarity, ask a “yes or no” question.
You can ask this question internally, and let your soul speak out loud… or you can write this question into your journal and allow your response to be written through you, from your soul.
Feel all the emotions as they pass through, related to this decision. If you begin to spiral into the voice of doubt in your mind, take a deep breath and reconnect with the voice of your soul.
In some instances, if you hold inner conflict around a decision, this process may take time. The voice of your mind and the voice of your soul may benefit from being in a deeper conversation with one another, to bring peace and resolution to this inner conflict. If you need assistance with this process and desire to be held through a transition in your life in a soulful and empowering way, consider hiring a Spiritual Mentor.
Also, if you’d like to deepen onto your unique path of the soul, Spiritual Mentorship is for you. I invite you to click the button below to learn more.