You Are Not a victim. You Are a Warrior.
During the witch hunts, our feminine wisdom was weaponized against us. It became dangerous or life-threatening to use our voices and remember our magic. The trauma legacy of the witch hunts and Burning Times is not just fear of sharing our gifts, but fear of our gifts themselves.
It’s Time to Honor the REAL YOU
The fear of being seen, using your voice, taking up space, and fully shinning isn't just yours. It's ancestral. This fear has protected thousands of women in your lineage from burning at the stake, from being drowned, stoned, shunned, and rejected.
Times of Great Change
The frequency you choose to hold and how you interact during these times has the power to shift timelines. You are currently creating the stories you will one day tell your grandchildren. Weaving the future stories that will wan to be eagerly listened to.
Dance to Remember
Imagine a time when there was no such thing as disposable relationships. A time when all that was broken would find mending, tending, and healing. Held, witnessed, and loved by the Whole.
Shifting Old Patterns of Communication
Today, I'm going to share with you about how to foster, build, and grow a healthy pattern of communication with your friendships and relationships. First, let's understand your past cycles of communication that didn't work for you.
The Lineage of the Rose
While it may sound fantastical to some, I have recently gone through a massive transformation in the way I see the mystical, sacred feminine roots of Christianity. Women's voices have been written out of religions. This was no accident.
Deeping the Connection to Star Ancestors
Your Ancestors of soul lineage are beings who you share a lineage with beyond this body, blood, and lifetime. Soul lineage has several different categories.
You Are a Legacy Weaver
You were born into your lineage for a reason — and a part of that is to help heal it, infuse your soul’s gifts into your lineage and onto this earth, and to embody the wisdom of your ancient ancestors.
Healing the Traumas of Your Past
When you connect to your ancient ancestors who hold a memory of love, harmony, and peace, you can pull that remembrance forward through your lineage and weave it into your lineage today.
Your Voice Carries Magic
You are in the midst of a healing renaissance and a mass global awakening. When your voice shakes, let it QUAKE through the earth. Let the raw power of your voice surprise you.
Reclaiming Your Gifts
You have a unique soul blueprint within you, and your guides will give you different guidance than what others may receive for themselves. This is why it’s so very important to purify, fortify, sanctify, and strengthen your OWN connection.
The Power of Standing in Your Weakness
How does the goal of being “in our power” impact our relationship with the parts of ourselves that we see as “weak,” that we are self-conscious of, or that we feel shameful of?
Trust Your Magic
Have you ever wondered why setting boundaries, speaking our truth, and trusting our intuition are one of the most difficult things for women to do today?
Women = Forces of Nature
When you live from your soul, it liberates thousands of feminine ancestors who weren't able to for fear of being punished. When you speak your truth, it helps to liberate the women who are still unable to freely express their truth today.
A Place Called HOME
Your ancestors were in reciprocity and relationship to this place on the earth. Your ancestors ate food from your homeland and were forged in the elements and in the weather there.
Healing to Release
Trauma lives in the body. Make sure that when you listen to your body, you discern whether you're hearing the voice of your intuition or the voice of your trauma response. You are not your emotions.
Meet your Spirit Baby
The other side of connecting with our ancestors in spirit is connecting to the spirit babies who will be born in your lineage. You are the bridge between the worlds, ancestors and descendants.
Woundmate V.S Soulmate
Much of our beliefs around love and relationship patterns come from our parents/caregivers and watching the relationships we were around while we were growing up.
Balancing Your Energy
You can heal your inner masculine and inner feminine to step into balance and harmony within yourself and your lineage. When you do this, it helps you to stand in your sovereignty and wholeness.