3 Truths You Must Know To Break A Pattern
What pattern are you ready to break?
Whether it’s...
✨ Social media addiction
✨ Toxic relationship cycles
✨ Money blockages
✨ Negative self-talk
✨ Abuse or cruelty
✨ Repeatedly attracting a certain kind of partner...
You MUST know these 3 essential truths.
It is only then that you can begin to unwind the pattern from your mind, heart, and nervous system.
The voice of the soul is about expressing the core of your truth. When you make decisions from the soul, you live in alignment with your soul purpose… the reason you came here.
Your soul incarnated here to learn certain lessons and experience certain things, so that it can grow and so that you can heal.
The voice of the soul is about expressing the core of your truth. When you make decisions from the soul, you live in alignment with your soul purpose… the reason you came here.
While the voice of the heart is about desire, pleasure, and joy — the voice of the soul is about truth and evolution.
The soul and the heart oftentimes work together and align, causing a decision to feel amazing on every level. Yet, sometimes their voices conflict.
The voice of your soul is the part of you that knows what is best for your soul on your path of evolution.
3 Truths To Break A Pattern…
The conditioning you inherited from your parents and society around money, romance, and everything else, is just that: Conditioning.
Once you recognize that, you can change a pattern.
It creates new neural pathways every time you notice a trigger, take a deep breath, and choose a different action than what you normally do.
You can choose a conscious RESPONSE instead of an unconscious REACTION.
Many of your patterns come from your childhood, and thus from your parents and ancestors.
Even though your ancestors may not have had the time or the tools to do the healing work and change these patterns, chances are that you do. Ancestral healing changes patterns, and it is a gift to yourself, to your ancestors, and to future generations.
Are you ready to break the pattern? My self-paced course is now open!
The 🧬 Lineage Of Love 🧬 course will help you begin to unwind the patterns at the root — your ancestral lineages.
It includes 4 modules of deep healing meditations, e-book guides full of journal prompts, and more essential teachings.