Benefits of Womb Clearing

Your wombspace is the seat of the soul β€” the part of you that is deeply connected to the Divine, to your intuition, and to your soul's guidance system.

Your wombspace is the keeper of your feminine energy. Even if you don't have a physical womb β€” the feminine essence lives within you, just two inches below your navel as an energetic center.

Your wombspace is connected to all your ancestors and all your descendants, and also to the sovereign, connected, and empowered woman that you came here to be.


However, many of us go about our daily lives disconnected from this sacred center.

We live in a modern world that...

🌹 Praises progress and growth more than the ancient, slow feminine rhythms of life

🌹 Glorifies light + happiness without fully honoring darkness, grief, and the full spectrum of human emotion

🌹 Shames or objectifies women's sexual energy

🌹 Fears sex, death, and women's menstrual cycles

🌹 Focuses on quantity over quality + masculine ways of being over feminine

🌹 Is full of distractions that keep us in the trap of disconnection from our bodies

When we are cut off from the power of the wombspace or we reject it, suppress it, or shut it off, we remain disconnected from our most fully activated potential and soul expression.

The wombspace can hold on to past relationship trauma and keep us stuck in familiar relationship cycles. This makes us struggle to feel closure over our past loves, or repeat the same patterns as our feminine ancestors. 

The power of the ancient feminine longs to be remembered and honored within every woman. The Earth is thirsting for the return of the feminine, and the nourishment only she can provide. In fact, the healing of all beings depends on it.


  • Hear the voice of your intuition

  • Increase your confidence + self worth

  • Release stagnant emotions

  • More energy, creativity + inspiration

  • Release past lovers + create healthy relationships

  • Manifest with joy + ease

  • Clear connection to the Divine

  • Reclaim your pleasure + power

  • Hold clear boundaries

When you start activating your wombspace, you clear out old trauma that has been living there.

This allows you to hear her wisdom (aka the wisdom of your soul and your intuition) and you begin to align with your sovereign and genuine feminine expression. 

I dream of a world where the power of the ancient feminine is remembered and honored within every woman.

It's time for us to release the shackles of the past and rise beyond all we have been told...

So that we step into our roles as manifestors and bring the feminine essence back into our lives, and onto the earth.


If you’re ready to heal your feminine ancestors, activate your wombspace, and step into sovereignty, you are here reading these words for a reason.

We made our most cherished course 🌹 The Honeyed Womb 🌹 into a self-paced course to support you on your journey as you connect with your female ancestors, heal your maternal lineage, and step into your sovereignty. Designed specifically for women, this course will guide you through essential practices of ancestral healing, womb wisdom, and priestess arts to completely transform your relationship with your own feminine power.

It includes 10 modules of deep healing meditations, embodiment practices, essential video teachings, and e-book guides full of juicy content and journal prompts.


Your Body Remembers


Inner Child Healing Is About More Than Your Past…