Divine Feminine Energy

There are certain times when nothing but feminine energy will do. 

There are moments when we know we need support and assistance in midwifing us through a potent portal or a life transition. 

During this time, we need to be rooted in our essence.

We are attracted to find out the ways we feel most in tune with ourselves, with our divine feminine energy.

What does it look like for you?

How does the feminine energy call upon you?

How is it awakened in you?

The feminine energy is the creative, intuitive, and nurturing energy found within us.

It is the energy of the divine feminine, the goddess, the mother, the grandmother, the healer, and the nurturer.

It is the energy of compassion, love, and understanding.

It is the energy of the moon, the ocean, and the earth.

We have the ability to tap into something greater than just our physical body - a mystical connection - an ancestral connection.

We move to the rhythm of our calling…

For there is power in moving from one way of being to another. 

Sometimes, we see it coming.

Sometimes, it is completely unexpected.

Sometimes, it is a gentle unfolding.

Sometimes, we cry and scream and pray to feel safe through it.

Sometimes, the joy of rebirth is so immense that the entire process feels divine — like medicine our soul has been yearning for, in order to remember the beauty of this life.

Sometimes we walk through these initiations alone, and sometimes we call upon assistance.

Calling upon your ancestors is honoring your ancestors. 

Calling upon your ancestors is honoring your ancestors. 

Recognizing that they are there to help guide you.

Recognizing that they hold a great key to your healing. To your connection with the earth.

To your connection with the divine feminine. 

To your connection with everything around you…

They are cloaking you with a tapestry of love and protection, now and always.

Just the same way that you dream of a better future for humanity, your grandmothers and benevolent ancestors held the same dream. 

You are a prayer your grandmothers and ancestors prayed for.

I invite you to not only think of the grandmothers you know by name — but also the women from ancient times who are a part of your ancestral lineages.

If you take a deep breath and tune into your energy now, you may even feel them around you.

Smiling at you, loving you, and protecting you fiercely.

Interested in Learning more?

Heal your feminine ancestors, activate your womb space, and step into sovereignty.

Feel a deep yearning to heal your relationship with your mother and grandmothers, but it feels so big you don’t know where to start?

Feel uncomfortable in your body, sensuality, or not quite “at home” in your own skin?

Connect with your Womb Space in…

🐝 The Honeyed Womb Course 🐝

The Honeyed Womb will support you as you rebirth into your most empowered self.

It’s time to begin your healing journey!


Signs of Womb Healing


You Are Breaking Generational Curses