Divinity in YOU
The Divine Feminine is not what you think it is.
The Divine Feminine defies boxes, limitations, and expectations.
She laughs ferociously with her tongue out at old, outdated gender norms…
The invention of man, disconnected from the true ancient remembrance of the Goddess.
The Divine Feminine is beautifully multifaceted.
YOUR Divine Feminine is not going to look like anyone else's.
She can be anything she wants to be!
Only you know what she feels like.
Only you know how she wants to be seen, heard, and expressed.
For the million possibilities to choose from…she can be absolutely anything the heart desires.
All from the deep realms of your true essence, your core.
The Divine Feminine is not flowy dresses and pleasure all the time...
She has many shapes, sizes, and faces.
And some of them might scare you.
In order to fully and authentically liberate YOUR Divine Feminine, all the feminine archetypes and flavors within you want to be explored.
When you do this, it liberates your feminine ancestors who were unable to express their full-spectrum selves.
Allow this transmission in…
She is
A Mother Lioness’s mouth, dripping with blood.
She is
The hiss of a snake.
The Wild Woman dancing in such divine ecstasy and depth, people think she’s gone insane.
She is
A woman bellowing out in anguish, connected to her raw emotion.
She is
Ancient knowing.
The growl and roar of deep s*xual pleasure.
She is Light.
She is Dark.
She is ALL of it.
The Divine Feminine defies boxes, limitations, and expectations.
AND, the Divine Feminine comes in infinite expressions.
YOUR Divine Feminine is unlike anyone you’ve ever tasted, seen or witness.
It is yours and yours only…
In order to fully and authentically liberate YOUR Divine Feminine, all these feminine archetypes within want to be explored.
When you do this, it also liberates your feminine ancestors who were unable to express their full-spectrum selves.
And today... if you choose it... you are able.
When you embody your Divine Feminine, it heals yourself and the feminine wounds in your lineage — including the fear of being seen, using their voices, and even generational relationship patterns.
Activating your feminine essence brings more pleasure, love, abundance, and also DEPTH and UNLEASHED, UNFETTERED, RAW, PRIMAL POWER into your life.
It is a healing path not for the faint of heart — but for the women on this planet who know they are here for something more... and who are part of our collective feminine awakening.
Are you ready to embody your Divine Feminine and step into your full-spectrum self?
Interested in Learning more?
Heal your feminine ancestors, activate your womb space, and step into sovereignty.
Feel a deep yearning to heal your relationship with your mother and grandmothers, but it feels so big you don’t know where to start?
Feel uncomfortable in your body, sensuality, or not quite “at home” in your own skin?
Connect with your Womb Space in…
🐝The Honeyed Womb Course🐝
The Honeyed Womb will support you as you rebirth into your most empowered self.
It’s time to begin your healing journey!