Earth Is Your Home
Your soul chose to incarnate onto this planet, into your body, and into your lineage with the specific DNA that you have.
On the path of healing, grounding, and embodiment, it's essential to look at your body’s connection to the earth and to your ancestral homelands — the place on earth that is literally woven into your DNA and your bones — your physicality.
I believe it is an act of SOUL LEVEL healing when we choose to repair our broken connection to our ancestry + homelands and to our choice to incarnate here into our families and onto this planet.
It brings your soul into your body, which brings your soul's gifts onto this earth AND activates the ancestral gifts in your DNA.
It’s as though you're telling your soul...
“You came here to earth and into this specific lineage for a reason. Remember?”
When you connect to the place on the Earth that your body was formed from, and the place on earth that your body remembers as Home, your SOUL feels safe in your body and safe on this planet.
Earth and water are your original feminine ancestors. You come from a long lineage that originated from the Earth's sacred wisdom.
As we heal our relationship to our first feminine ancestors — earth, water, and our motherlands — we heal our relationship to the Feminine essence and to the Mother herself.
If there has ever been a part of you that feels like you don’t belong here, like living on earth is so hard, like it’s not safe to be in your body, or like it’s just more comfortable to be OUT of your body and only living in higher frequencies...
Grounding into your ancestral homeland can help bring you that sense of deep embodiment and safety in your body and on this earth.
As we heal our relationship to our first feminine ancestors — earth, water, and our motherlands — we heal our relationship to the Feminine essence and to the essence of Mother herself.
Interested in learning more?
Join us in The Honeyed Womb! 🌹 Through this live course, you will connect with your female ancestors, heal your maternal lineage, and step into your sovereignty.
You will immerse in the studies of feminine embodiment, ancestral healing, womb wisdom, inner child healing, shadow work, sacred sexuality, emotional alchemy, Bee Priestess wisdom and Water Priestess teachings.