God comes first. Before ancestors, angels, guides, or gurus. Always… God first.

This post has been bubbling inside me for some time. Though I teach about ancestors, I want to make this point crystal clear. This is where I stand:

🤍 Go to God first. 🤍

Feel free to replace “God” with your own word — Divine/Source/Great Spirit/The Universe/Goddess etc.

I believe that in order for us to be safe, responsible, clear, discerning, and anchored in love and healing, we must turn to God before we call upon guides of any kind — including our well ancestors.

This is the core of my work and I believe, part of what makes it safe.

And by the way, of course, the Divine lives within us and all things — it is not outside of us.


Our primary relationship is with ourselves & God. Everything else stems from there.

A bit of my story with this:

For years, my core spiritual practice was centered around spirit guides. I also taught people how to connect to their guides. Then, I went on a 2 year “spiritual fast” to connect ONLY to Source energy. My intention was to purify my vessel of all distortion, doubt, confusion, and cloudiness. To connect deeply to God and to Truth.

During this time, even though I’m Jewish, I also connected with Yeshua & the Mary’s as well. It cleared out SO much for me. All energies that I put between myself and God. Anything I wasn’t 100% sure or trusting of. It cleared all doubt. And in fact, brought me to my life’s work.

In all of my work, before calling upon any healed ancestors, I create a sacred space where my clients are:

1. Connected to the Divine

2. Grounded and rooted in their bodies & on the earth

3. Welcome to express their full-spectrum selves and feel free to interrupt me, cry, laugh, sound, and move their bodies as much as they wish to

Then, and only then, do we invite in the presence of our healed wise & well ancestors.

I believe in true safe space, we must feel grounded, resourced, and deeply connected to the Divine. To not have this foundation creates space for distortions, doubts, confusion, and struggle.

Our primary relationship is with ourselves & God. Everything else stems from there. Including relationships with guides!

What is your opinion on this? Have you ever put any energies between you and God before? I invite you to reflect on your experience here.


The voice within you may have been silenced over the years due to fear, yet it still lives — and you are able to tap into it.

Through the Connect to Your Soul Meditation ✨, you will be guided to breathe life into your connection to your soul and your connection to the Divine. You will experience a deep clarity and be able to hear the voice of your own inner wisdom more than ever before.

When you connect to your soul, you will be empowered to release self-judgment and any mental fog that holds you back from your greatness.

You will feel held and supported as you move through your emotions — even fear, self-doubt, and indecision.

If you want to feel clear, connected, deeply at peace with who you are on a soul level... this meditation is for you.


Intuition: The Gateway to the Truths of Your Soul


The Word “Witch” In Old European Languages