Healing to Release
Trauma lives in the body. Make sure that when you listen to your body, you discern whether you're hearing the voice of your intuition or the voice of your trauma response.
You are not your emotions.
You are not your patterns.
Don't confuse the truth of who you are with your trauma.
The path of healing is, in many ways learning to feel safe in your body.
If you don't feel safe in your body, your nervous system may be conditioned to relive old ancestral patterns and trauma responses time and time again.
An essential part of the healing is to release trauma from your body and learn to hear the true voice of your soul, your intuition, and your body.
This is found in a parasympathetic nervous system state.
Because we grow up in a society that typically doesn't teach us how to tune into the wisdom of our wisdom and intuition, we often operate through trauma responses and ancestral patterns without even knowing it.
It's possible you may reach a point on your path when you realize that you were taught by your parents, relatives, or society to disregard your desires or your intuition...
And so instead, you learned to listen to the voices of others or to the voice of your body's trauma response.
You also may be the first in your lineage, or the first in a VERY long time, to end patterns of trauma and willingly choose to listen to your intuition, and to heal.
This healing can include regulating your nervous system, navigating triggers, learning to track somatic sensations when trauma arises, and releasing trauma from the mind, brain, and body.
And one of the greatest supports we could ever receive is from our ancestors!
That means that you, YES, you have healed ancestors!
It is time to remember their existence and CALL UPON them for their wisdom, support, strength, guidance and protection.
There have been warriors, healers, and ancient storytellers in your lineage.
There have been wise grandmothers, ceremonialists, midwives, sacred protectors, artists, and spiritual leaders of the village.
There have been humble hearth-keepers, good fathers, and those who knew the whispers of the land and lived in harmony with the earth’s magic.
You are not the trauma that has happened in your lineage.
And now… they all live inside of you, waiting to be connected with, called upon, and welcomed for their unique gifts, guidance, and medicine.
You are not the trauma that has happened in your lineage.
There is no amount of “trauma” that can’t be seen and healed.
There is no amount of “scarring” we can’t heal with love and compassion.
Now it’s your turn to listen to the voice of your intuition.
The voice of your ancestors and not the voice of your body's trauma response or the voice of others.
You and your ancestors hold great power of healing inside.
Would you believe me if I said you had an endless fountain of it? An endless amount that could never run out…
Well you do! Try and see for yourself.
Take a few moments of silence, taking a deep breathe, place a hand on your heart and see for yourself…
What did you feel?
You, and your lineage, are SO much more when you unite together.
Connecting with your healed ancestors can shift so much in your lineage, including how you feel about it…
AND it can shift the stories you tell yourself about what healing is possible for you & your line.
It’s time to connect you to your healed ancestors to bring healing to yourself and your lineage.
Are you ready to connect to your healed ancestors to heal yourself and your lineage, and build a beautiful life-long relationship with them?
You are ready.
They are ready.
They are ready to help you heal and experience the world to the fullest.
Interested in Learning more?
Heal your feminine ancestors, activate your womb space, and step into sovereignty.
Feel a deep yearning to heal your relationship with your mother and grandmothers, but it feels so big you don’t know where to start?
Feel uncomfortable in your body, sensuality, or not quite “at home” in your own skin?
Connect with your Womb Space in…
🐝The Honeyed Womb Course🐝
The Honeyed Womb will support you as you rebirth into your most empowered self.
It’s time to begin your healing journey!