Inner Child Healing Is About More Than Your Past…
Healing your inner child is also about your present and future! This is why we do the healing work… not to dwell on the past, but to heal our relationship to the past so that we can live a life feeling more happy, free, confident, embodied, and confident in who we are.
Embracing The Wisdom + Magic of Your Inner Child
As a child, many of us were told our emotions were too much – to quiet down, be a good girl, or even that we were to be “seen and not heard.” But you are on the Earth to heal yourself and your lineage.
The Unhealed Parts of You Aren’t Wrong
The unhealed parts of you aren’t wrong. They are ancestral patterns you adopted as a child in order to cope. Often, what you feel is unhealed within you began as a survival mechanism when you were a child.
Your Inner Child Simply Wants to Be Held and Heard
When you finally let your inner child be heard, seen, and HELD in true unconditional love by your inner adult self for the first time, something BIG shifts.