The Power within Star Ancestors
Our ancestors of soul lineage are beings whom we share a lineage with beyond this body, blood, and lifetime.
Star Ancestors can be powerful to work with on the path of ancestral healing and healing our blood lineages and also in helping us step into our soul purpose in this life.
Star Ancestors are beings of love who hold wisdom and memory from lifetimes beyond this one and from planets and star systems beyond earth.
They reject us in our inter-dimensional soul journey.
They remind us that we are not simply flesh and bone…we are so much more.
We are souls on a journey.
We are divine beings.
We are made of stardust.
We are vibration, and we are light.
When we know this and remember this, it can be very supportive on our journey of healing our blood lineage,
For many people, as they begin their journey of ancestral healing ( especially if there’s significant trauma in their lineage), they can feel trapped and disempowered by their ancestry.
Connecting to your Star Ancestors and soul lineage can help you see beyond the small perspective that you are a human in a lineage here on earth.
It expands your perspective to see that you are also a soul on a wider and deeper journey.
Souls are born into specific bloodlines to bring the wisdom of that unique soul’s wider journey (beyond lifetimes) into the blood lineage they were born into.
It includes lifetimes you have lived in other lineages.
The many sessions you have learned as a soul beyond this lifetime and the specific gifts your soul frequency carries.
When you bring all of this into your blood lineage, it weaves something new - needed medicine into the blood lineage.
This will continue on even after you pass…and it also helps anchor that here on the earth.
This is a part of the beauty and gift of the Star Ancestors. They remind us of our multidimensional cosmos origins.
They remind us of the Divinity, Light, Wisdom, and power we embody this lifetime and beyond this body alone.
Connecting with our Star Ancestors also helps you to feel the Divinity that lives in your body, in this incarnation, on this earth, and in your blood lineage.
Star Ancestors are beings of love who hold wisdom and memory from lifetimes beyond this one and from planets and star systems beyond earth.
In the category of Ancestors of Soul Lineage are our Star Ancestors.
When we do the work to connect with our Star Ancestors, we're able to see life on earth and the story of humanity from a higher perspective.
It helps bring us into our power and purpose here on this planet and beyond.
They help us to remember our Divinity and feel the love story of humanity with our Cosmic Origins.
They also help us have a sense of lightness, levity and humor — and laugh at the cosmic joke.
Although it's not for everyone, connecting with our Star Ancestors is a powerful tool to actually come deeper into our bodies and feel safe in our bloodlines.
It also helps to give a sense of purpose on this planet.
It also helps to embody our soul's gifts, ground, and anchor deeper onto this earth with a renewed sense of aliveness and purpose.
To stand up as a protector of Gaia and a birther of a new paradigm for all life on earth.
Feeling the Divinity that lives beneath the wounds in your lineage.
Feeling that thread of Divine love that is also woven through your blood lineage beneath layers of traumas…
Is the first step to healing the traumas in your blood lineage.
For our Star Ancestors are one of the greatest tools we can use in our healing journey.
Interested in Learning more?
Are you ready to break the pattern?
🧬 Lineage Of Love 🧬 is a 6-week ancestral healing course which will help you begin to unwind the patterns at the root — your ancestral lineages.
It includes 6 modules of live calls, deep healing meditations, e-book guides full of journal prompts, and more essential teachings.
This course is currently on a sliding scale payment system through June 16th, 2022, and 100% of donations received will go toward an earth-honoring charity, Pachamama Alliance.