You’re invited to join a life-changing



for the magical soul who is ready to overcome self-doubt and feel confident in your spiritual gifts

(Open to folks of all genders!)

Masterclass length: 2 hours + 45 minutes
Recorded and sent to you via email

Plus lifetime access to the recording


Do these sound like you?

You often experience Imposter Syndrome — the voice inside that tells you you’re not good enough, experienced enough, or ready to share your gifts

You doubt yourself and your spiritual gifts, so you hide them inside… but you’re READY to embrace them, embody them, and TRUST in the gifts you’ve been given!

You have spiritual gifts but sometimes they feel overwhelming or scary

You want to use your spiritual gifts while knowing that they are healing you and the world, without any doubts about how they might be causing harm

You aren’t confident using your spiritual gifts or sharing them with others

You’re ready to deepen in your connection to the Divine and learn to fully embody the gifts the Divine gave you for the highest good of all

You worry that if you step into your spiritual gifts, you might be judged by others

You’re ready to feel more deeply connected to the Divine and to your soul than ever before… and let your confidence radiate!

You’re ready to embody your spiritual gifts and unlock your purpose

If yes, come join us for this Masterclass!


In this Masterclass, you will:

  • Learn the 4 MISCONCEPTIONS that sabotage your trust in your spiritual gifts

  • Discover the 4 KEYS to confidently embody your gifts

  • Be guided through a life-changing practice to align your gifts with the Divine, set boundaries, and feel confident in your spiritual gifts

  • Receive clear next steps on your spiritual journey of stepping into, trusting, and embodying your gifts

You don’t want to miss this!

Never before have I offered such a low-investment opportunity to learn about embodying your spiritual gifts, and also the opportunity to watch my 1:1 group coaching.

This wisdom will change your life and your relationship to your spiritual journey. I’d love to meet you & see you inside!!!


This Masterclass is recorded and you will have lifetime access to the recording.

Got questions? Shoot me a DM on Instagram @sacredancestry!