
For the woman who is ready to step into her power, embody her gifts, and reach her next level in her life.

At a certain point on your soul’s journey,
you’ll be called to walk through the sacred fire
and emerge, reborn…

Are you ready to fully say “yes” to your spiritual gifts and let them guide you, move you, and shape your one wild and precious life?

Are you ready to be mentored by a woman who has walked this path, as you step into your fullest power?

Sister, let us walk this path together.

This intimate 6-month 1-on-1 Mentorship is a sacred container customized just for you.

Together, we will uncover your soul’s most authentic gifts, power, and pathway of healing.

This is your journey of devotion.

I invite you to take a breath and check in with yourself. Do any of these sound like you?

  • You are going through a time of transition in your life and you feel this time has the potential to completely transform you — and your relationship to the spirit world, the ancestors, and your spiritual gifts. You feel and know that walking this path with an experienced teacher and mentor will support you so that you can harness the sacred power of this time to its fullest, deepest, most powerful capacity. You are ready for your soul’s deepest evolution and purpose to birth through you.

  • You have a dream you want to birth into reality… whether it’s a spiritual gift being embodied, a new version of yourself, or a soulful business… and you want the support on both emotional and tangible levels to help you make it a reality.

  • You’ve done deep inner work… but you still feel like you’re holding back, playing small, or hiding in some ways — and you’re ready to go to your next level (or quantum leap!) and shine in your authentic truth and full expression of your gifts.

  • You have made huge progress in embodying your intuitive gifts and when you dream into your future, you see yourself in full integrity as a healer and a leader… but you’re scared of being seen, being heard, and taking up space. On a deep level, you’re scared of being misunderstood or even persecuted (The Witch Wound).

  • You’re not new to healing and spirituality — this isn’t your first rodeo. But, you realize there are some wounds and awarenesses you can’t reach quite as deeply or powerfully on your own. You’re ready to be held as you do some of the deepest healing work you’ve ever done… and you’re ready to embody your inner power, more than ever.

  • Even if it scares you a little, you’re ready to courageously face your shadow and embrace your light, step into your power, and become the incredible full-spectrum, gifted, intuitive, shining, deeply-rooted medicine woman you came here to be. If you’re being honest, maybe you’re still learning to let go of caring about what others think of you and you want to be held through the wild waves of your soul’s evolution as you step onto this journey with your entire heart, soul, and being… and embrace the magnificent, magical, powerful, connected woman you become in the process.


If so, I invite you to step into Mentorship and emerge as the wise, intuitive, radiant empowered woman you know you came here to be.



I only welcome 3 women into 1-on-1 Mentorship at a time, to ensure that each woman receives the utmost presence and care. You will have your own journey (no group work) that is completely catered to you.

Essentially, you and I become CLOSE… for 6 months, I am right there with you, every step of the way, as you embrace this wild journey of your soul evolution and all the initiations, upgrades, and healings that come on your path.

This Mentorship isn’t for you if you’re half in, or not entirely committed to your path of healing and soul evolution.

This *is* for you if you’re devoted to your journey of spiritual growth, healing, and evolution — and you are allllllll in.

You’re ready for initiation.

You’re ready to embody your spiritual gifts and become your wisest, wildest, most authentic, embodied self.

And, you may even want to create a soulful business that overflows with abundance. (This is optional, and a huge part of my genius.)

If you want a steady presence to walk with you as you do the deep inner work and step into the next level of your soul’s gifts… let’s walk together.



My method of Mentorship revolves around the belief that you hold all the answers within YOU. Your intuition, your connection to Spirit, your ancestors, and your guides are your deepest anchor of inner knowing. As a Mentor, I always remind my clients and students to take everything I say with a grain of salt. I am here to guide you to connect with your OWN inner knowing so that you are empowered and deeply self-sourcing your divine guidance. This ensures that you are not leaning on an outside source — you are your own source of empowerment, and you walk this path as a devotee and mystic who is able to tap into your connection to Spirit at any time. No one else can do this for you.

Another core tenant of this Mentorship is that, yes, we are working together for your liberation and empowerment — AND, all the work we are doing is also for the earth, the ancestors, and the generations to come. When you step into this container, you are saying “yes” in deep devotion to being used as a vessel of healing farrrrr beyond just you and I. We are in this for the collective. All the work we do together is a gift back to the earth, and to those who need it most. Our shared intention is collective healing, liberation, and evolution. Always.

In each session, you’re moved through processes to uncover your deepest truth, power, and gifts. You are guided through real, raw, impactful, Spirit-led conversations, as well as ancestrally-guided healings, channeled meditations, activations, rituals, ceremonies, embodiment practices, divine assignments, mystical studies and stories, and so much more.

As your guide, I hold a safe space of infinite compassion and absolute non-judgment. Bring ALL of you — your weird, your scary, your shadow, your FULLEST power, your most vulnerable gifts, your wounded parts… and you won’t scare me away. I have been there, and I go there myself on a regular basis. You can rest in your deepest truth, knowing that I have also been in the depths of mentorship and initiation.

Your deep emotions are welcome. Your soul’s fears that don’t make sense to the mind, are welcome. Your wildest gifts are welcome. Together, we seek to amplify the true voice of your soul, to uncover your spiritual gifts, to unleash your deep emotional wisdom as an intuitive and oracle, and to heal and integrate wounded parts of yourself… all while being supported in a safe container. You will gain confidence through practice so that you feel grounded wisdom and confidence in your ability to navigate from the soul. You’ll feel aligned and empowered in each step of healing and each choice you make on your path, knowing that you are connected to your deepest source of power — yourself, your guides, Spirit, and the earth.

During our mentorship, you also have the option of birthing your business into the world and stepping into your Legacy Work. If you want to share your gifts and teachings to impact the world, and you’re ready to feel confident as you step into leadership and the role of teacher and healer, I would be honored to integrate this into our Mentorship. My method in sacred entrepreneurship is listening to the voice of your soul because we all have a different path towards our truest, deepest purpose. If you choose to integrate business mentorship into our journey, I will open up my toolbelt to also bring you the manyyyyy years of training, teaching, study, and mentorship I have received around business and entrepreneurship. I run a multi 6-figure business myself, and know how to balance this with the guidance of Spirit. I’m an open book, and always willing to share all my tips along the way.

You don’t have to do this alone. I believe that through true study, mentorship, training, and support, we can access and experience years of transformation in a shortened amount of time. All the greatest healers, medicine women, channels, and mediums through time had their own teachers on the journey. The Ancient Ones knew they were stronger with a Lineage behind them, guiding their footsteps and elevating their hearts. The wisdom of thousands can inform us. I would be honored to walk with you and with these ancient wise ones as you step into your gifts, magic, and legacy.

If you’re ready for Mentorship, I’d be honored to be your guide.

Your heart and soul know the way.

You know how to hear the voice of your intuition. You know how to tune into the deep parts of your soul. With guidance, you’re ready to take your spiritual gifts to a whole next level. You’re ready to embody your gifts in service to the evolution and liberation of Mother Earth and all her kin. You’re ready to know deep down that you are truly living your fullest potential, in deep alignment with Source, Spirit, and Mother Earth.

This Mentorship is for you if…

  • You’re a deep, multidimensional, intuitive woman. You know you have deep gifts and you are here to embody them — not just for you, but truly in service to the All.

  • You are going through a time of transition in your life that you know has the potential to transform you. You know being guided by a teacher and mentor on the journey is valuable beyond words. You’re ready to choose that now is the time — this can be your initiation into your fullest, deepest, wildest, wisest, most connected embodiment of your soul gifts and healing for your lineage. You’re ready to answer that call.

  • You read all the words above on this page and you feel the stirring of a call. It’s beyond the mind — you feel it deep in your soul. And you know this yearning is calling you to something profound… even if you’re not sure what it is. You’re ready to dive into the Mystery and say “yes” to the call you hear deep in your soul, and from your ancestors.

  • You’re completely devoted to your spiritual path and you’re ready for this next chapter. You’re ready to take your spiritual path or your sacred offerings to the next level of embodiment — with deep integrity, commitment, joy, and wild love.

  • You want to embody your full-spectrum gifts, your power, your worth, and your purpose with confidence… BUT you still feel held back by negative beliefs or patterns.

  • You’ve been on a self-growth path… but you’ve grown a bit stagnant or you’re ready for your next evolution. You want a steady presence to walk with you as you discover the new YOU that is wanting to be birthed.

  • You’re connected to your intuition and the voice inside… but there’s still something deeper you’re longing for on a soul level. You’re longing for initiation. For full immersion and embodiment of your highest timeline in this life. You know there are parts of your soul that are waiting to be reclaimed, integrated, and embodied, so that you can show up in your FULL power… and you are ready to wholeheartedly say “yes.”

Soul-level mentorship allows us to intimately know the spirit world, access deeper states of consciousness and healing, and embody our unique gifts in the name of collective liberation. It allows us to root into Lineage and be mentored by thousands of wise ones who came before us.


Together, we will merge your intentions with healing work and sacred action steps, integrating the spiritual and the practical.

Our intimate 6 month journey includes:

  • Weekly 60-minute 1-on-1 calls (24 total)

  • Voice + text message support M-F

  • Access to all courses I launch during our 6 months together

Structurally, our container will be shaped by your intention. In our first session, we will set goals for our time together based on your soul’s deepest intention and desires. Each session and the structure of our 6-month container is personalized based on your specific intentions and goals.

Note: Each session is held remotely by phone or by Zoom.


“I moved from self doubt into self love, fear and playing small into empowerment to use my full voice! Torie facilitated deep healing of past patterns that were blocking me for years in order to make space for me to live my own authentic truth. I ended our mentorship feeling invigorated, aligned, and in deep knowing of my purpose, plus equipped with so many tools to bring it to life!” — Adrianna Sesi, Holistic Psychotherapist & Intuitive Coach

“Through working with Torie, I learned to trust my gifts and connect to my truth in a way I never have before. She never gives you the answer, only ever asking the questions you may not have known needed answering. She serves as a mirror so clearly reflecting back to you all that already are; a beacon of light guiding you back to yourself.” — Lauren Nell 

“Torie helped me to see for myself the ways in which I was playing small and accepting "scraps", and then walked beside me in sisterhood as we found the truth that helped empower me to live in integrity and in purpose. The knowledge base Torie draws from is full of sentient, ancestral and universal wisdom — living, breathing and empowering.”
— Diana Welsh

“Torie is a force of nature. Trust me when I say, she will help you unveil hidden secrets within you, that will reveal the truth of who you are. You will heal, remember, reclaim, and bloom. I have come across many colleagues who are powerful healers, and Torie is within the ranks of the most gifted I have ever come across. Do yourself a favor. Dive in. Get raw. And let yourself be held by her.” — Lauren Elizabeth Walsh, Founder of Global Sisterhood



  • 8+ years of 1-on-1 coaching, counseling, and mentorships

  • 10+ years of facilitating courses, women’s circles, and group workshops

  • 12+ years of Reiki — Certified Reiki Master Teacher Trainer

  • B.A. in Cultural Anthropology (specified studies on indigenous wisdom)

  • Hundreds of 1-on-1 sessions with clients, and thousands of students mentored in my online courses

  • Studying with 20+ mentors on spiritual subjects such as ancestral healing, inner child work, water priestess wisdom, shamanism, feminine temple arts, shadow work, womb wisdom, sacred business, dreamwork, beekeeping, emotional alchemy and more

  • And, of course, countless hours of devotional practice, prayer, ceremony and ritual.


If you want a sister to walk with you in vulnerable honesty and intuitive guidance, through all life gifts you — I’m here.

This is a path of awakening. Are you ready to walk it together?