Cultivate your spiritual gifts, embody your inner healer, and liberate yourself from the Witch Wound.


If you know that you have spiritual gifts and magic in you…

If you have a voice of self-judgment that holds you back or sabotages you from living empowered, free, and aligned with your inner truth…

If your deepest desire is to become liberated in this life for the liberation of all beings…

If your soul has been calling for an authentic path to truly heal, connect to your intuition, and embody your power as a woman and a healer…

This is for you.


Way of the Healer is a LIVE 4-month journey to rebirth into your inner healer, gifts, and medicine.

Through life-changing inner work, deep support from a spiritual mentor, and being part of a life-changing sisterhood…

You will cultivate your own spiritual gifts, deepen your relationship with your intuition, and more confidently embody your inner healer.

Each month, you receive LIVE Calls including Teaching Calls, Sister Share Calls and Sacred Expression Circles, plus 7 Modules of Teaching Videos, Embodiment Practices, PDF Guides, and “Homeplay.”

You will also have ongoing support through our WhatsApp Group — a portal to keep us all connected throughout the course. Bring your questions and heart-shares, and receive support and accountability at any time.

When you say “yes” to the Way of the Healer, you’re saying yes to a deep and exhilarating journey of cultivating your unique gifts and also learning to confidently share and embody them.

This course is an echo of an ancient way upon this earth — when healers, initiates, and medicine people would gather together in circle to support each other, share their healing knowledge, drop into ritual, prophesize, and receive guidance for their lives, tribes, and communities.

You’ll experience ancestral healing and connection, shadow work, feminine embodiment, self-expression and vocal activation work, spiritual teachings, and liberating yourself from the Witch Wound.

This is a journey to heal ancient patterns, release emotions, and find the deep, magical, empowered woman that lives within you… so that you can embody her in your life on practical and spiritual levels.


It’s time to spread your wings and become the wild, deep, empowered woman you know you came here to be.


This course is for you if…

  • You’re a healer or you feel that you have healing gifts that you want to explore

  • You want a toolkit to support you in healing yourself, trusting your intuition, and navigating your unique gifts

  • You’re looking for a very grounded and authentic path of healing — not based on new-age fluff, but one that is deeply connected to lineage and to the earth

  • You’re ready to heal the fear of being seen, using your true voice, or being judged. You yearn to feel confident in sharing your true expression with the world!

  • You feel there may be healers, witches or medicine women in your ancestry & you want to connect with them for their healing, wisdom, and guidance

  • You feel that you may have had past lives or ancestors who were burned at the stake, drowned, outcast, or killed for being healers or sharing their truth

  • You yearn to be guided by an experienced healer and mentor who can take you under her wing… one who is real, imperfect, raw, and willing to share with you transparently on the journey without hierarchy or pedestaling.


You belong here.



Your female ancestors weren’t able to use their voices, shine in their feminine power, offer their healing gifts, or share their truth for MILLENNIA, for fear of being hurt, ridiculed, ostracized, or burned at the stake. But today, you have a different choice... To speak your truth, listen to your intuition, and shine in your magic.

So then why is it so scary to stop caring what others think about you?

To be fully seen in your magic feels scary because this is imprinted in your DNA from times when it wasn’t safe. In fact, it meant death.

After thousands of years of secrecy and suppression, many of us are coming out of hiding and choosing to be SEEN, shine our light, use our voices, and share our gifts. We are becoming our ancestors' wildest dreams.

If you feel fear around speaking your truth or expressing your gifts, this is an ancient echo of the fear of persecution. This is the Witch Wound.

You can heal the Witch Wound by stepping into your gifts, shining your light, and embracing your multidimensional magic as a woman.
This is our divine intention in the Way of the Healer.


For four months, you will receive…


Teaching Calls & Sister Share Calls
(8 total, 90 minutes each)

Twice a month, join us for a LIVE Call! You receive both a LIVE Teaching Call (in addition to the pre-recorded module teaching videos), AND a LIVE Sister Share Call every month where you can bring your stories, ask questions, and benefit from the powerful shares from your sisters in the course as well. 


Sacred Expression Circles
(3 total, 90 minutes each)

Sacred Expression circles are a space for song, poetry, storytelling, and gifts to be shared with our group! Imagine a healing talent show filled with sacred “prayerformances.” Practice sharing your gifts in a safe space so you can build confidence — and RECEIVE the incredible gifts of women in our container.


7 Pre-Recorded Modules

Each module includes a Teaching Video (55+ minutes), Embodiment Practice (55+ minutes), and a PDF full of journal prompts and “homeplay.” These will meet you exactly where you are and guide you through the deep inner work to claim your soul’s gifts and feel safe to shine.


Private WhatsApp Community

We are stronger together! You’re not meant to walk this path alone. Bring your questions, heart-shares, and sacred truth to our juicy, private WhatsApp group to receive support and accountability at any time. Your sisters are here for you, and their stories will inspire you to dive deeper into your journey!!!


All calls will be recorded and you receive lifetime access.





Remember Your Roots

Learn about the wounds and the wisdom of your ancestral roots. Explore your ancestry, the patterns that live in your lineage, & how these patterns impact you. See, feel, and experience the gifts that live in you AND your lineage!

Teaching Video
(1 hour + 17 min)

Embodiment Practice:
“Activate Your Gifts”
(58 min)

LIVE Teaching Call



Unapologetic Self

Release shame, guilt, religious, ancestral, and patriarchal stories that have kept you from fully shining your light. Learn about your Wild Woman archetype and shed self-judgments so you can own the truth of who you are.

Teaching Video
(55 min)

Embodiment Practice:
“The Sacred Mask”
(1 hour + 25 min)

LIVE Sister Share Call



Free Your Voice

Reclaim your voice, your truth, and your boundaries! Learn how to stand strongly in your truth + your soul’s wisdom so you can stop doubting yourself and reclaim your power. Explore the connection between your throat, the sacral chakra, and your intuition.

Teaching Video
(1 hour + 20 min)

Embodiment Practice:
“Free Your Voice”
(49 min)

LIVE Teaching Call



Trust Your Gifts

Learn to trust yourself and your gifts instead of being afraid of them, and learn to explore and embody them in alignment with the Divine. Heal from the times that it felt unsafe to be in your power so you can feel safe to trust yourself, shine your light, and share your gifts with the world.

Teaching Video
(1 hour + 27 min)

Embodiment Practice:
“Meet Your Ancestral Mentor”
(1 hour)

LIVE Sister Share Call



Ancestral Healing

Learn how to do your own ancestral healing work, specifically around the Witch Wound. Dive into a moment the core Witch Wound happened in your lineage so you can bring healing to your ancestors who were involved in this ancient wound, and let that healing ripple forward.

Teaching Video
(56 min)

Embodiment Practice:
“Ancestral Healing Journey”
(1 hour + 11 min)

LIVE Teaching Call



Heal The Sister Wound

Learn how to work with feminine shadow patterns such as comparison and jealousy of other women so that you feel safe to shine! Learn about the roots of the “Too Much” woman — the fear of being too much, too emotional, too spiritual, or even too successful.

Teaching Video
(1 hour + 36 min)

Embodiment Practice:
“Healing the Sister Wound”
(1 hour + 9 min)

LIVE Sister Share Call




Embody Your Magic

Weaving it all together — it’s time to step into your power, fully reclaim your hidden gifts, and feel EMBODIED in your inner healer. The part of you that longs to know and express your gifts will feel ready to go out into the world and shine as your fully embodied, most magical self. Emerge feeling aligned with your intuition, deeply listening to guidance, and embodying the woman you came here to be.

Teaching Video
(1 hour + 4 min)

Embodiment Practice:
“Embody Your Inner Healer”
(46 min)

LIVE Teaching Call & LIVE Sister Share Call




Our schedule will be announced once we’ve decided to open enrollment for the next cohort.

Times typically alternate between 6pm and 11am Pacific Time to make calls more approachable for different time zones. However, it’s absolutely okay if you aren’t able to attend every call. Each call is recorded in case you miss it.

Don’t let time zones or a busy schedule hold you back — you are welcome to join us! Click the link below to join the waitlist and be the first to know when doors open again!



Hi! I’m Torie.

I know what it’s like to feel the most magical, empowered version of you, pacing like a tiger in a cage, yearning to break free. Freeing yourself is a sacred journey, and a part of why you came here into this life and onto this planet. I won’t pretend that liberation it’s an overnight process — it’s a deep, lifelong commitment to continually study yourself, reveal deeper truths, and dance with both your light and your shadow. This journey doesn’t have to be hard — it can be FULL of pleasure, magic, and ecstatic joy in ways that you can only imagine.

I know what it feels like to have spiritual gifts but not know how to train to safely cultivate them and bring them into their fullest expression. For years, I studied with mentors of many different lineages in search of connecting deeper with myself and honing my abilities.

I know what it’s like to fear that you’ll never fully step into your power… or even to fear your own gifts, or fear how expressing your truth might impact your life and relationships. I’ve dimmed my light to try to make others more comfortable. I’ve felt like I had to prove myself to others and I wasn’t safe or welcomed around them, just being me.

I’ll be real with you — not everyone is going to “get it.” Speaking your truth can be fierce at times, but it can also be shared with love, compassion, and gentleness. Even so, not everyone is going to understand the depth of who you are when you are walking the path of healing and awakening. What’s important is that you find your people — the ones who want to see you shine and step into your full power.

I doubted myself, compared myself to other women, and hid my most deep, wise, magical self to try to fit in because that’s what felt comfortable and safe. But then I realized — I can heal myself and feel safe being ME.

And so, even with the fear present, I decided to completely devote myself to my path of healing, evolution, and stepping into my gifts.

Through the healing modalities of ancestral healing, feminine archetype embodiment, shadow work, past life healing and more, I did the deep work to confidently embody my magic and my spiritual gifts.

I now support women all over the world to heal their relationship to their ancestors, connect to their intuition, and embody their multidimensional gifts. I now walk my path with devotion and let myself shine brighter than ever before — in my relationships with friends, in partnership, with my family, and more.

The truth is, healing is a journey and I am always deepening on the path as a devoted student. As you likely know deep in your bones, wise woman — there is deep power in forging your own soul path, trusting your intuition, shining in your magic, and letting it shape you into the woman you came here to be.

It doesn’t have to be hard, and you don’t have to walk this path alone. We are stronger together, combining our unique gifts, medicines, and nourishment into a thriving sisterhood.

This is why I created Way of the Healer. If you’ve been praying for a path to heal yourself and step into your gifts… this was created for you. On this journey, you’re supported in doing the deep work to heal the Witch Wound and cultivate your unique gifts so that you can shine in your FULL, bright, brilliant, powerful magic.

I’m not perfect or awakened. I am real, I am rooted, and I know how to dance with my shadows so that I live from a place of wholeness. I’ll tell you right now — I bring lightness, pleasure, AND depth to our healing work. I don’t believe it needs to be hard. You are worthy of feeling JOY as you walk your healing path.

The world NEEDS your gifts. This earth is THIRSTING for your most magical self. And so are all the women in your lineage who had to hide their magic so that YOU could be here now.

Thank you for being here. I would be so honored to have you join me on this journey.

I can’t wait to get wild, witchy, and free with you!

With love,



  • “I knew this course was going to be special before I even signed up. I had no idea how impactful it would be. My body is healing, emotions are flowing more freely now which is something I wanted but did not expect, my heart feels more open, my relationship to my mother improved, my relationship to myself got so much deeper and I never opened to receiving support from my ancestors before this course. Now I am profoundly grateful for their love and support."

    — Chantai W.

  • "This work left me feeling lighter, more explorative, and made me feel like a burden had been lifted from myself and my lineage. I am in awe of Torie's gift of facilitation and guidance. It is such powerful work and it is so comforting to have a mentor like Torie who you can trust to have your best interests in mind. It amazes me how Torie can put so much of herself into each call and create a space where she holds you and feels you through such hard work. Sending so much love to everyone reading this and if you're wondering if this is for you, just know that you will never regret healing!"

    — Kaitlin G.

  • "I was initially drawn to Torie's ancestral work through my intuition. I knew there was something in my healing that was not mine and I knew deep down it was my responsibility to help my ancestors remove the heaviness and pain. When I was able to delve into my maternal lineage I was able to clear so much generational pain by letting go of a male partner from a very long time ago. This has had a HUGE transformational impact as my family dynamics completely shifted. These changes empowered me to speak my truth, share my knowledge, and ability to hold space for others as I am a natural healer and want to serve others. It allowed me to take charge of stepping into my true self, and be more authentic while also being able to support my family."

    — Anna C.

  • “I am very discerning about working with other people energetically, but I knew immediately that Torie and I were a match to work together. Her ability to create a space outside of time, to bridge our now with our ancient now, and to energetically nurture this sacred portal is the work of a true healer and guide. After the conclusion of our work together, I saw these wounds heal in my own life. I saw the ripple effect as this healing transcended time and space to close these wounds in my lineage. Through Torie's wisdom, I was able to begin to uncover an ancient wisdom of my own."

    — Shea O.

  • “I came into my healing journey with Torie feeling a sacred connection and trust in her capacity to be there for me like no one else could. Torie's undeniably inviting presence is irreplaceable; she draws upon this deep wellspring of devotion for all that is sacred and whenever we connect, her loving acceptance is palpable through her voice *every time*. The knowledge base Torie draws from is incomparable due to the fact that it is drawn from sentient, ancestral and universal wisdom - living, breathing and empowering. My trust in Torie has only ever grown in the months she's journeyed with me for healing and mentorship. She helped me to see for myself the ways in which I was playing small and accepting "scraps", and then walked beside me in sisterhood as we found the truth that helped empower me to live in integrity and in purpose.”

    — Diana W.

Imagine yourself on the other side…

  • Feel ready, safe, and confident to shine your light — whether that's in your relationships, on social media, in your work, in your purpose, or in your magic

  • Feel deep trust + alignment with your spiritual gifts… you have PRACTICED them and you know how to use them in service for yourself, the earth, the collective, and others!

  • Feel safe to shine around women and heal the Sisterhood Wound, Witch Wound, and other deep feminine wounds in your lineage and your life

  • Connect with your wise and well ancestors for protection, wisdom, and ancestral healing

  • Reclaim your voice and feel embodied in your most magical, liberated self

  • Live more connected to the Truth of who you are than ever before

  • You’ve released blockages that hold you back from your feminine radiance + power

  • You’ve brought deep healing to feminine and sisterhood wounds such as guilt, shame, betrayal, persecution, and fear of shining in your power

  • You show up as a stronger, wiser, more aligned leader and healer for those around you (whether that’s your community, family, friends, or clients)


The Way of the Healer is here!

Will you answer the call?


+ How long is the course?

Way of the Healer is a 4-month course.

+ What happens if I miss a call?

All calls will be recorded and you get lifetime access to them and all course materials!

+ Will I have lifetime access to this course?

Yes! You will have life-long access to these materials so that you can return to them again and again throughout the different chapters of your life.

+ What are Sacred Expression Circles?

3 of our calls are Sacred Expression Circles. These circles are an opportunity for each woman in the course to come and express her gifts + magic and be witnessed by all of us sisters!

Women will be reading poetry they wrote, doing sacred dance prayerformances, sharing sound healings, singing songs, storytelling, and whatever else they want to express, share, and PRACTICE in our safe and sacred space. It's going to be pure magic.

I've never seen anything like these Sacred Expression Circles before in any other course. It's literally a space for you to PRACTICE being seen, being heard, being witnessed, and being SUPPORTED and CELEBRATED by women in the depths of your gifts and magic.

Plus, after each woman shares, she'll have the chance to share how it was for her — what fears came up, how she moved through them, and if she desires, I'll be there to guide her and support her to regulate her nervous system and move through it. It will be life-changing and nourishing for ALL of us. (PS, sharing on our circles is always completely optional! You can just come and witness if you want!)

Think of it as a sacred practice ground — when you practice being witnessed in your true voice and gifts in a safe space, it trains your mind, body, nervous system, and heart to then be able to confidently share your gifts in other parts of your life as well.

+ Is Way of the Healer a good next step if I did The Honeyed Womb?

Absolutely! In fact, it's the perfect stepping-stone into this course!

+ What's your refund policy?

Due to the nature of digital products, there are no refunds. Please be sure that you are INNNNN and ready to commit to your healing, before purchasing this course! If you have a question before you join the course, send me a message.

+ What happens once I sign up? How does this work?

As you sign up, you will create login details to access the course and calls. You will receive an email confirming your order along with a welcome email.


It’s time to reclaim your spiritual gifts, wisdom, and magic.