Times of Great Change
The frequency you choose to hold and how you interact during these times has the power to shift timelines.
You are currently creating the stories you will one day tell your grandchildren.
Weaving the future stories that will wan to be eagerly listened to.
Be gentle with yourself and with others during this time.
We are in the midst of what future generations will know as Mythic Times.
The world is awakening to the great responsibility we hold to heal for future generations.
You hold the wisdom of all your ancestors and all your lineages within you.
You can call upon the wisdom of the ancient ones in your lineage to guide you.
Your ancestors saw wars and they saw times of great peace as they lived in harmony with the land and with each other.
It is up to humanity now during these times to end the cycles of suffering by learning from the past and choosing to act in wisdom.
It is time to embody each of our lineage's ancestral wisdom and rise ashumble leaders and healers for this time of great change.
We must take a moment to reflect on the prayers we hold deep within our hearts, the yearnings and desires that connect us not only to ourselves but to our lineage and to the Earth.
When we open our hearts and prayers to the Creator, we invite a dialogue that transcends time, connecting us to our ancestors, connecting us in ways that are divine.
If you could take your saddened, grieving, yearning heart out of your chest and hold it up to Creator…
What prayer would you whisper?
What prayer would you pray not only for yourself…but for your lineage and for this earth?
Your prayer isn't just for YOU.
It’s for US.
When you pray in community, you heal in community.
It's a heartfelt plea for the well-being of your lineage and the Earth itself.
The words you choose, and the frequency you embody, can become a balm, a source of much-needed healing and transformation for the world.
When you are in prayer, sometimes you can feel the intensity of that prayer…filling you up with divinity itself.
Feeling your ancestors joining you in every prayer that is said silently and spoken out loud.
They are with you as you create the stories that will be told one day, long before you are gone…
The stories we create today will serve as beacons of inspiration for future generations, reminding them of the strength and resilience of humanity.
It's a reminder that in the midst of challenges and uncertainty, we can choose to be the heroes of our own narratives.
Let us strive to be not only storytellers but also the architects of a future where kindness and wisdom prevail.
'“You hold the wisdom of all your ancestors and all your lineages within you.”
As we connect with the deep well of ancestral wisdom, we discover that we are not alone on this journey; we walk hand in hand with our forebears.
We can pave the way for a world where the legacy we leave behind is one of hope and healing.
Our prayers and intentions, even when whispered softly, carry the strength to bridge divides, mend wounds, and inspire profound transformations.
Our journey through Mythic Times is a shared one.
The frequency we choose to hold and the kindness we extend to ourselves and others have the power to reshape the very fabric of our future.
We're not isolated travelers, but co-authors of the human story.
As we infuse our actions with love, compassion, and the wisdom of our ancestors, we illuminate the path for those who will follow.
We can be the keepers of the flame, of the stories, passing down the wisdom of our ancestors to future generations as a beacon of light.
What words and what frequency would you choose to embody
to become much-needed medicine for this world?
Interested in Learning more?
You’re invited to join us for a live Masterclass and transmission where you will receive tools YOU can practice to support yourself, your loved ones, and Mother Earth in this time of potent change and awakening on our planet.
🌹 Priestess Tools for Times of Great Change 🌹
Held live on Tuesday, November 14th, 6pm-7:30pm PDT
& Lifetime access to the recording.
This Masterclass is for the humble hearts who wish to be a force of healing and service to all of our brothers and sisters.
May we be living embodiments of our spiritual practice, allowing our generous action in the world to be an expression of our inner work and healing.
Join us!