Dance to Remember
Your ancient ancestors knew Belonging.
They knew a time on this earth when all of life was held in the sacred hoop.
They knew about the natural rhythms of the earth, the sound of her heartbeat, and the kindness she shared with all beings.
They weren’t separate from the earth…they were one with Mother earth and with all that she had to offer to us and for us.
We were at home and in peace.
Imagine an ancient time on the earth…
Imagine the village, a warm embrace of forever belonging.
Imagine a time when there was no such thing as disposable relationships.
A time when all that was broken would find mending, tending, and healing.
Held, witnessed and loved by the Whole.
Embraced by mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, medicine men and women, midwives and healers.
Embraced by the sun, by the soil, the sounds of nature and the food the food that grew around them.
The worth of each soul, each tree, and each river was known without ever needing to speak it into existence.
It was perfect the way it was.
It was never forgotten and never dismissed.
If you forgot one, you forgot all.
Humanity’s greatest wound during these times is the wound of separation.
Suffering the wound of separation for millennia, humanity has wreaked havoc on the earth and waged war towards each other.
And although the pain is immense and the grief grips at our hearts…
The truth is this…
The amount of time our earth has known harmony and belonging far outlasts the recent blip of time that we have known separation.
If you ever feel like you don’t belong…You’ve probably known the pain of changing yourself to fit.
But your time has come to live in your full truth & and power.
If you ever doubt your belonging, reconnect to nature.
Reconnect to your ancestors.
Give thanks for the sacred waters that are the foundation of all life.
And from this place, dance your dance of gratitude…
You are the earth, the ancestors, and the divinity embodied.
You are ancient stardust and magic.
“The amount of time our earth has known harmony and belonging far outlasts the recent blip of time that we have known separation.”
And so we dance…as an offering back to it all.
Whatever that “dance” looks like for you.
Let it be a medicinal balm rubbed on your heart, touching the marrow of your bones and healing all your ancestors who need it too.
Let it ripple out to touch all the precious hearts who doubt their place in this world.
Dance to reclaim your power. Dance to awaken life in your bones.
Let it reach every place this earth has known war, and every soul who needs healing.
And maybe…
Just maybe…
The ancient wisdom of your wisest ancestors will awaken in your blood.
Thank you, Mother Earth.
Thank you, God.
Thank you, Ancestors.
May my life be a blessing back to you.
Dance to reclaim your power.
Dance to awaken life in your bones.
Dance to remember you belong!
It is an honor to walk with you during these times of great change.
Interested in Learning more?
Do you ever hold yourself back from your full expression because of what other women are doing, or what other women will think?
Have women ever come after you for shining?
For being too bright?
For being “too much”?
Are you ready to heal the feminine shadow patterns of comparison, competition, and jealousy — within yourself, your friendships, and your lineage?
If the answer is YES…
This is for you. Get the collection.
It’s time to Heal the Sister Wound.
🌹 Heal The Sister Wound Collection 🌹
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