Balancing Your Energy
Women are often told that our emotions are “too much,” our intuition is “crazy” and “imaginary,” and that if we express our sensuality, then we will attract the wrong kind of attention and be in danger.
We then hide parts of ourselves because we begin to believe and accept this false reality.
As a result, many women have leaned more towards our inner masculine — as a survival mechanism — and to succeed in a world that doesn't yet truly see or value our feminine gifts.
BUT, there's a difference between *healthy* and *wounded* masculine energy.
You can heal your inner masculine and inner feminine to step into balance and harmony within yourself and your lineage.
When you do this, it helps you to stand in your sovereignty and wholeness.
It heals intergenerational wounds between your masculine & feminine ancestors (which also live within you!)
Clearing ancestral relationship patterns starts with you, becoming the change you wish to see in your lineage.
I invite you to feel these words:
While it's powerful to work on healing *just* your inner feminine OR your inner masculine at a time, in order to bring balance and harmony to both of them, it's essential to bring them into connection with each other.
When you heal the relationship between these two parts of yourself, it also helps you heal many areas of your life, including your romantic relationships, your self-worth, your s*xuality, your confidence, your work & purpose.
AND your lineage's relationship patterns.
Can you relate to the healthy feminine/masculine & wounded feminine/masculine?
You can heal your inner masculine and inner feminine to step into balance and harmony within yourself and your lineage.
Healthy Feminine
Speaks her truth, uses her voice + stands in her power.
Knows her worth and value, and celebrates and validates herself.
Trusts herself and her intuition; honors her emotional wisdom
She Heals herself, lets go of the past and reclaims her power
Uplifts other women and wants them to shine with her.
Wounded Feminine
Holds back her truth, struggles with people-pleasing
Feels unworthy + seeks external validation
Struggles with self-doubt spiral into emotions and feels overwhelmed.
Sees other women as a threat, is jealous, compares + competes.
Healthy Masculine
Present and grounded.
Holds boundaries with firmness and love.
Purpose-driven and lives with integrity.
Connected to the heart and emotions, is willing to be vulnerable and open.
Takes responsibility for his actions.
Wounded Masculine
Distracted and scattered.
Overprotects to the point of rigidity closes off
Driven by instant gratification, says one thing and does another.
Numbs out, thinks that emotions and vulnerability are a weakness.
Lacks responsibility, blames others, and justifies his anger.
All people have an inner masculine and an inner feminine. This isn’t about gender - there are energies and traits that your inner masculine and inner feminine hold.
There’s no hierarchy between your inner masculine and inner feminine.
One isn’t better than the other.
If you’re a woman who’s living from your inner masculine, that does not make you” bad,” “wrong,” or “less desirable” as a woman.
Both your inner masculine and inner feminine are needed at different times.
You can lean on your inner masculine at times for these strengths and relax into your inner feminine when her wisdom is most needed.
While it’s powerful to work on healing only your inner feminine or only your inner masculine at a time, to bring balance and harmony to both of them, it’s essential to bring them into connection with each other.
Are you ready to heal the masculine and feminine wounds in yourself AND your lineage?
Interested in Learning more?
Heal your feminine ancestors, activate your womb space, and step into sovereignty.
Feel a deep yearning to heal your relationship with your mother and grandmothers, but it feels so big you don’t know where to start?
Feel uncomfortable in your body, sensuality, or not quite “at home” in your own skin?
Connect with your Womb Space in…
🐝The Honeyed Womb Course🐝
The Honeyed Womb will support you as you rebirth into your most empowered self.
It’s time to begin your healing journey!