Blessings To All Mothers
How do you move differently in the world when you remember you’re a future ancestor?
How you live today ripples out to touch so many beyond this one moment in time.
Every breath & action is an offering.
This offering is an act of service for those living and those ancestors before you and after…
You are a future ancestor. This carries infinite powerful healing, which begins with you today.
Will you choose to tap into this power and speak your truth?
Will you live from the heart today?
Will you be of service to those before you and after?
Take a moment and pause.
It’s time to remember those mothers who did the impossible for you and so many generations before you.
May we send blessings to the mothers in your lineage who protected, loved, and nurtured their babes — womb to womb — for generations.
Blessings to the grandmothers who are storytellers, passing on ancestral stories to eager grandchildren who sit listening at their feet.
Blessings to the mothers in your lineage who did their best even if they didn’t know how to give love and care in healthy ways. Still, we thank them for the precious gift of Life.
Blessings to the mothers who weren’t able to live their highest hopes and dreams due to the ways of the times and whose voices were silenced or desires ignored.
We remember you.
Blessings to the wise grandmothers in your lineage who tend the sacred flame of ancestral remembrance on the other side.
Blessings to the grandmothers who watched the tides change with each new generation — who saw their own wounds being healed in their daughters and grandchildren and knew “they will be more free than I have been, and bless them on their path.”
Blessings to all beings who are healing the Mother Wound, finding their own inner mother within.
Blessings to the many rainbow children and starseeds coming into our planet now and will be for generations to come.
May you be protected and divinely guided on your journey of choosing your mother, so your most profound soul medicine and brightest light may be a gift to this planet.
Blessings to the grandmothers who are storytellers, passing on ancestral stories to eager grandchildren who sit listening at their feet.
We choose to remember you.
Blessings to the wise grandmothers in your lineage who tend the sacred flame of ancestral remembrance on the other side.
Blessings to the grandmothers who watched the tides change with each new generation who saw their own wounds being healed in their daughters and grandchildren and knew “they will be more free than I have been, and bless them on their path.”
Blessings to all beings who are healing the Mother Wound, finding their own inner mother within.
Blessings to the many rainbow children and starseeds coming into our planet now and will be for generations to come,
May you be protected and divinely guided on your journey of choosing your mother, so your most profound soul medicine and brightest light may be a gift to this planet.
We remember your markings in this world and beyond.
We will never forget.
Interested in Learning more?
Are you ready to break the pattern? My self-paced course is now open!
The 🧬 Lineage Of Love 🧬 course will help you begin to unwind the patterns at the root — your ancestral lineages.
It includes 4 modules of deep healing meditations, e-book guides full of journal prompts, and more essential teachings.