Healing The Feminine
When the feminine is healed, when our bloodlines are healed, when the waters of the earth are healed - all of creation is healed too.
What is your relationship with your womb?
Does she speak to you?
What is she asking of you?
Close your eyes and gently place both of your hands cradling your womb space.
Listen…into…this…sacred space…
Our womb is an ancient well that holds the memories in her waters of all of your ancestors stories, hearts, and wombs.
We connect through the womb - women to women - heart to heart. Love is nourished so much in the womb, as life is created and formed.
How precious is this gift!
I invite you to drop into your womb like a bucket dropping into a well…
Through your breath, through your being.
Each droplet of water within your wombspace and your blood holds a memory of what has come before. Not only of your ancestors, but of the many cycles that water has taken through this earth.
The ocean, the rivers, the clouds…
The same waters in your body have been recycled on this earth for billions of years.
Even since the time of the dinosaurs.
Even since the time of our ancient ancestors as cavemen.
Our bodies are animated living waters of our ancestors.
Our bodies are libraries and each droplet of water is like an infinite book, spanning thousands of pages, thousands of lifetimes, and hundreds of thousands of memories and stories.
Our womb is an ancient well that holds the memories in her waters of all of your ancestors stories, hearts, and wombs.
When we drop into our mystical bodies and awaken the power of the wombspace, something deeper can dance through us.
Something that lives in our hips, beyond what the mind can understand.
Something primordial and ancient; primal and intuitive.
A wildness and a rhythm of love that cannot be tamed; that isn’t meant to be easily swallowed.
You must welcome it with open arms, a heart wide open, and honor as you receive it. A way of being that expands us beyond what we knew was possible.
That lands us deeper not only into our bodies but into our souls, but into the magic of our lineages…Not only from this lifetime, but past lifetimes as well…
There is magic in our hips. Magic in our wombs. Magic in our blood.
Each bone in our bodies, dancing us alive from within.
Ringing and singing and echoing out; reminding us that we are woven into a story bigger and deeper than anything we’ve ever been told.
The truth speaks! We will always be woven into something far more significant than us, right here, right now.
Can you feel it?
The ancestors ask you to feel, feel, feel.
To remember their wisdom living through you now, knowing you have never been separated from it.
The feeling of separation has been nothing but a dream, and now you are awakening to that primal pulse…
To that mystical power.
Interested in Learning more?
Are you ready to break the pattern?
🧬 Lineage Of Love 🧬 is a 6-week ancestral healing course which will help you begin to unwind the patterns at the root — your ancestral lineages.
It includes 6 modules of live calls, deep healing meditations, e-book guides full of journal prompts, and more essential teachings.
This course is currently on a sliding scale payment system through June 16th, 2022, and 100% of donations received will go toward an earth-honoring charity, Pachamama Alliance.