Connecting With Ancestors & Their Rich History
Can I connect with my ancestors if I don’t know their names or any family history?
When someone asks this question, here’s what I always say:
Even if you don’t know who your ancestors were, YES — you can absolutely connect with them. No DNA test required.
In fact, a foundational piece of ancestral healing is to connect to your ANCIENT healed ancestors who lived thousands of years ago, and whose names have been forgotten by history.
When you build a strong and trustworthy foundation to your healed ancestors, they can safely guide you and protect you when you do healing work for your ancestors who are unwell.
Ancestral healing is the process of healing those who are unwell. Yet if all of that unhealthy negative ancestral energy is buzzing around you, you’ll never get the healing work done. You need to create a safe, clear, sacred space.
And connecting to your healed ancestors creates that in the most incredible, powerful way.
So why do I recommend connecting back to ANCIENT times in your lineage?
Lots of reasons…
In order to heal your lineage at the root, we need to go back to a time when your lineage was healthy and clear. This is often in ancient times, and many of your healed ancestors come from this time.
When you connect to the love and crystalline purity that was once embodied in your lineage, you’re then able to pull that ancient wisdom, love, and healing through your lineage.
This remembrance of the sacredness and love in your lineage is a healing force — and as you allow it to travel through all the generations all the way to you (AND your body in the present) then you can embody your most HEALED expression today.
Did you know that all ancestral cultures have a rich history of folklore, magic, mythology, and ways of listening to the earth’s wisdom?
This itself makes your ancestors POWERFUL!
To connect and embrace this in your lineage means you are tapping into their divine wisdom.
Imagine having a source where you could gather an endless amount of strength, love, compassion, peace, and healing.
This is called your ancestral lineage…
When you build a strong and trustworthy foundation to your healed ancestors, they can safely guide you and protect you when you do healing work for your ancestors who are unwell.
In ancient cultures all over the world, connecting with the spiritual world and the ancestral world was not only reserved for times of ritual, but woven into everyday life.
Connecting with the ancestors for their wisdom and to bring healing to the present was as much a part of life as breathing, eating, and praying.
It was so intricately interwoven into the experience of many ancient indigenous cultures that it was seen as completely normal.
In Australian First Nations cultures, the realm that the spirit travels to in death is the Dreamtime; occupied by ancestors, archetypal beings, and other spirits.
The Dreamtime isn’t only reserved for the dead; it’s also intricately woven into the lives of the living in waking and dreaming consciousness, as well as acts of ritual. The Ifa/Orisa cultures of Africa have a very deep tradition of ancestral reverence and worship.
In Celtic cultures, Samhain is traditionally honored as a time of ancestral reverence. In Slavic cultures, Zadushnice (“All Souls”), or Dziady (“Forefathers”) was the day of commemorating the dead and bringing offerings to their graves.
In Mexican cultures, Dia de los Muertos stems from indigenous cultures such as the Aztec, the Toltec, and Nahua people — and is known as a 3-day ceremony to honor and elevate the ancestors, through celebration and joy.
In Jewish traditions, the Avot V’imahot prayer is chanted regularly, which names Jewish ancestors. In addition, in the Jewish tradition, Yom Hillula (literally “day of festivity”) is another word for yahrzeit (the anniversary of a death), and the Mourner’s Kaddish ancestral healing practice is practiced regularly in temple services worldwide.
Ancestor reverence is found in many traditional European cultures such as Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Finnish, German, and Nordic, and other cultures and continents all over the world including Asian, Pacific Islander, and South American cultures. There are SO many, the list goes on and on.
Are you ready to connect to your ancestors and bring ancestral healing to your lineage?
Interested in Learning more?
Are you ready to break the pattern?
🧬 Lineage Of Love 🧬 is a 6-week ancestral healing course which will help you begin to unwind the patterns at the root — your ancestral lineages.
It includes 6 modules of live calls, deep healing meditations, e-book guides full of journal prompts, and more essential teachings.
This course is currently on a sliding scale payment system through June 16th, 2022, and 100% of donations received will go toward an earth-honoring charity, Pachamama Alliance.