Our Duty As Future Ancestors
When your grandchildren ask who you became during these times of great change on our planet, what will you tell them?
Did you become a warrior of peace, love, or heartfelt compassion and healing?
Did you rise to the occasion, even with your heart aching and breaking open?
Did you turn within to face the shadows, grief, guilt, anger, and shame that lives within us as humanity - and transform it into love?
Last night, I wept to hear about yet another act of violence that happened close to my hometown. An attempted murder at a hospital, on the heel of so many mass shootings.
As I sat at a restaurant, I couldn’t hold back my tears. So I let them flow and felt my own little fraction of the great pain and brokenness of humanity.
These times are difficult. They are painful. They are challenging.
Of course, there is beauty — and it’s so important to feel the waves of grief, anger, and even shame when we feel into the destruction humanity is perpetrating against ourselves, the children, and Mother Earth.
How can we leave this planet a better place than it was before?
How can we truly be vessels of healing during this time of great grief and chaos on our planet?
I believe the biggest work we can do right now as an individual is to heal ourselves and to bring that healing into our own homes, families, and communities.
I’m sure you are probably feeling this, receiving this, and wondering where to start.
After all, this will bring up a very important question to ask ourselves and it will require us to hold loving space to witness the answers that arise.
Do you find yourself repeating cycles in your life… or breaking through them?
Breaking through a cycle isn’t just a decision — it’s a deep process of embodied integration that takes place over time and through deep inner healing work.
To break a cycle in your lineage, you will be asked to look at it with honesty and humility, and to find the wisdom and lesson that this cycle brought you.
Take a breath. Let it sink in and honor yourself for being here with ALL of this.
When you choose to set out on the path of ancestral healing, the unhealed wounds of your lineage will inevitably come up along the way.
Inner child healing and ancestral work are key to ending cycles of violence, pain, and suffering.
It is how you choose to respond to these wounds that dictate if you integrate them and move forward with wisdom, or if you push them further away, rejecting the hard-to-face parts of yourself and your ancestors.
I believe the deepest work we can do right now as individuals are to heal ourselves and to bring that healing to our own homes, families, and communities.
Unhealed wounds are passed on from one generation to the next until someone has the courage to heal and break the cycle — no longer passing the poisoned chalice on to future generations.
If this is you, or if you WANT to be the cycle-breaker in your lineage…I honor you so deeply!
This benefits you, your lineage, and the entire WORLD.
When we are elders, what stories do we want to tell the future generations about what we DID and who we BECAME during these times of great change and upheaval?
Humanity is aching — and some of us feel helpless if we don’t know how to create systemic change.
I believe the deepest work we can do right now as individuals is to heal ourselves and to bring that healing to our own homes, families, and communities.
So much of the deep healing that is needed during these times is childhood & ancestry so that these patterns of violence and senseless disregard for the value of life can be ended and healed.
Humanity has a choice — to continue suffering and lashing out against ourselves and the earth, or to do the inner work, inner child healing, ancestral work necessary to shift these shadowy places and where they live within us and our lineages.
So, when your grandchildren ask who you became during these times, what will you tell them?
I invite you to - place your hand on your heart, envision yourself as a wise beautifully wrinkled face grandparent, and notice how you would like to respond to these questions…
💚 Did you become a warrior of peace, love, heartfelt compassion, and healing?
💚 Did you rise to the occasion, even with your heart aching and breaking open?
💚 Did you turn within to face the shadows, grief, guilt, anger, and shame that lives within us as humanity?
These questions, I believe, define much of this time — and provide a ceremonial way to hold great tenderness during incredible difficulty.
Are you ready to deepen your healing path and embody the healing of your lineage?
Together let us envision a better world for future generations.
Together we can heal.
Interested in Learning more?
Are you ready to break the pattern?
🧬 Lineage Of Love 🧬 is a 6-week ancestral healing course which will help you begin to unwind the patterns at the root — your ancestral lineages.
It includes 6 modules of live calls, deep healing meditations, e-book guides full of journal prompts, and more essential teachings.
This course is currently on a sliding scale payment system through June 16th, 2022, and 100% of donations received will go toward an earth-honoring charity, Pachamama Alliance.