Deeping the Connection to Star Ancestors
Your Ancestors of soul lineage are beings who you share a lineage with beyond this body, blood, and lifetime.
Soul lineage has several different categories.
Today, we will talk about Star Ancestors.
When we do the work to connect with our Star Ancestors, we're able to see life on Earth and the story of humanity from a higher perspective.
It brings us into our power and purpose here on this planet and beyond.
They help us to remember our Divinity and feel the love story of humanity with our Cosmic Origins.
They also help us have a sense of lightness, levity, and humor — and laugh at the cosmic joke.
Connecting with our Star Ancestors is a powerful tool to come deeper into our bodies, feel safe in our bloodlines, have a sense of purpose on this planet, and embody our soul's gifts.
We ground and anchor deeper onto this earth with a renewed sense of aliveness and purpose, and stand up as a protector of Gaia and all life on earth.
Healing the traumas of your blood lineage and reclaiming the sacredness of your bloodline is a deep process.
It helps infinitely to feel the Divinity that lives beneath the wounds in your lineage — feeling that thread of Divine love that is also woven through your blood lineage beneath layers of trauma.
Connecting to Star Ancestors & Soul Lineage can actually bring us deeper into the magic of our blood lineages.
It’s about deeper embodiment — not bypassing or overly focusing on “love and light.”
If you know me, you know I don't talk about far-out topics without deeply grounding them into the body and also into the practical world.
I believe to just connect with Soul Lineage without connecting to your Blood Ancestors can cause disembodiment and can be very dangerous or problematic.
We must do the work to connect to BOTH Soul Lineage AND Blood Lineage to heal ourselves and our ancestors so that we can be integrated beings and so that our "spiritual" work can impact how we show up here on Earth.
Star Ancestors are beings of love who hold wisdom and memory from lifetimes beyond this one, and from planets and star systems beyond Earth.
Connecting to Star Ancestors & Soul Lineage can actually bring us deeper into the magic of our blood lineages.
They reflect our multidimensional nature, reminding us that our soul is on a great evolutionary journey beyond this one lifetime and one blood lineage.
They remind us that we are not simply flesh and bone...we are so much more. We are souls on a journey of evolution.
We’re made of stardust.
We are vibration, We are light.
When we know this and remember this, it can be very supportive on our journey of healing and our blood lineage.
For many people as they begin their journey of ancestral healing (especially if there’s significant trauma in their lineage), they can often feel victimized, trapped or disempowered by their ancestry, wanting to disown it or bypass the lessons and the pain.
Connecting to your Star Ancestor can help you see beyond the small perspective of this one incarnation.
It helps you remember that you are currently a human in a lineage here on earth and that learning from your blood lineage is part of the curriculum of your soul chosen for your evolution.
You can then understand why you were born into your specific blood lineage in this incarnation, which allows you to feel empowered in your relationship to your ancestry.
Interested in Learning more?
It’s time to free yourself, connect with your ancestors, and create a ripple of healing for generations to come.
You are the descendant who came to heal so much in your lineage… and to reconnect with your wise, ancient ancestors for their wisdom and guidance.
The heart of your lineage is calling…
Your ancestors are calling…
Future generations are calling…
Will you answer the call?✨
This is for you. Join us in…
🧬 Lineage of Love 🧬
Lineage of Love is a 6-week course to support you to build deep, authentic relationships with your healed ancestors and bring healing to your lineage. This course only happens LIVE once per year.
You will reclaim the power of your roots, and allow the healing work you do to ripple through your entire lineage to touch your ancestors, descendants, and the earth.