The Lineage of the Rose
“Mother Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed Art Thou Amongst Women; Blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb."
While it may sound fantastical to some, I have recently gone through a massive transformation in the way I see the mystical, sacred feminine roots of Christianity.
Women's voices have been written out of religions. This was no accident.
You see, over the past few months, I have been deep in studies of Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene — seeking to understand who these women were as Priestesses, as Mothers, as Divine Consorts, and as Women — before their memory was tarnished, changed, or corrupted by the patriarchal church.
What I have found has ultimately brought me back into connection with my own feminine ancestors, and most particularly, my Motherline.
My entire life, these words felt religious, Catholic, and stale to me.
I was raised Jewish!
On a DNA test, my dad is 100% Ashkenazi Jewish.
He comes from a LONG line of people who were Jewish not only by faith, but in their blood… and they always married other Jews, resulting in 100% purity in their bloodline.
My mom, on the other hand, comes from a long line of Catholic ancestors.
She later converted to Judaism because she met my dad and they fell in love.
So, my parents are the first time these two lineages have merged.
Enter… me.
A deeply spiritual soul, curious questioner, and mystic, constantly seeking to understand my ancestral roots and my connection to the Divine.
Naturally, I questioned both religions. I went through a period of rejecting them both — as a teenager, even thinking that religion has brought nothing but harm upon this earth.
Growing up Jewish, I went to Hebrew school for 5 years.
I learned how to read and write in Hebrew and got Bat Mitzvahed (the Jewish rite of passage into adulthood at age 13).
I was always seeking spiritual connection, depth, and meaning as a child, but Hebrew school didn't teach us anything about spirituality.
You may feel similar about your spiritual education, whatever religion you may have grown up with.
When I asked deep questions, I constantly heard, “We do this because we do this,” and “It's tradition.”
It felt devoid of connection; of meaning; of LIFE!
I felt I had inherited a shell of a religion I didn't resonate with.
So, I left it behind.
After a few years of Atheism as a teenager, I found my spiritual path by diving into OTHER cultures — namely indigenous ones — because I believed my own lineage was NOT it.
I got my degree in Cultural Anthropology to learn more about indigenous wisdom and cultures, and then volunteered on a reservation for a year, working on cultural revitalization projects.
It was there that I ultimately realized I was a white Jewish woman who was coming from my own wound of separation, trying to help these indigenous people to connect to their ancestors and the spirituality in their culture when I was disconnected from my own.
This is what brought me onto the path of ancestral healing and connection.
For YEARS, I dove into my ancestry… always exploring my Jewish side… and connecting with my wise and well ancestors from before a time of religion.
And in the last few months, I realized that I was completely ignoring my Motherline's faith: Catholicism and Christianity.
I'll be real with you here… I previously thought that Christianity was basically synonymous with colonization, oppression of women, patriarchy, greed, and abuse of power.
Even 5 years ago, I dove deep into learning about Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene.
I did a 6-month womb wisdom program meditating for hours a day upon these Divine Feminine archetypes and it culminated in a retreat in the South of France — a landscape steeped with stories of these sacred women mystics.
On this spiritual pilgrimage, I visited all the sacred sites including the skull of Mary Magdalene, the cave where she lived for 20 years before her death, and many small towns and chapels devoted to Her.
It was lovely and beautiful. I tried to connect wholeheartedly. But I didn't feel it.
So… what changed?
What opened me up to the deep, feminine mysticism and esoteric mysteries buried beneath modern-day Christianity and all the church?
What took me from being an ancestral witch focused on her Jewish lineage, and merged my mystical heart into the sacred teachings of Mother Mary & Mary Magdalene?
The Lineage of the Rose.
Remembering and reclaiming my Motherline's faith, which is Catholic.
And most specifically… a sacred 1-month plant dieta with the flower that is considered a Master Teacher — Rose.
Maybe you've heard of dietas...
Traditionally used in indigenous South American cultures alongside plant medicines, dietas are a profound journey of connecting with a plant spirit for a period of time, and taking that plant as your teacher.
In ancestral and indigenous cultures all over the world, plants are known to have their own spirit; their own consciousness.
They are a subtle medicine and work with us on many levels — most notably on emotional, astral, and energetic levels.
Rose is considered a Master Plant Teacher.
After completing two month-long dietas in the Brazilian tradition (one with Mint and one with Lavender), my teacher recommended I do 2 weeks of White Rose and 2 weeks of Red Rose.
During my time with White Rose, I simplified my diet more than ever.
No sugar, caffeine, dairy, gluten, eggs, soy, or alcohol, plus VERY minimal herbs, seasonings, and oil.
I essentially just ate rice, steamed veggies and steamed protein with no salt or flavoring.
And then… the Rose.
I won't go into detail about what the dieta entailed (as it's not simply a “formula” but is a deep process meant to be watched over by an experienced facilitator)… but let's just say…
Rose was e v e r y w h e r e .
I drank TONS of rose tea, took different types of spiritual baths with rose every 2 days, wore rose, had roses surrounding me at almost all times, played songs about roses, sang and meditated with my rosebushes, and most of all — set very clear, powerful intentions.
My intention was:
"May I purify my heart and my womb so that I may be a clear, open vessel for the Divine to work through — in service and in love."
Amongst one of my practices during that period of time connecting with the White Rose, was praying to and connecting with Mother Mary, using a version of the traditional Hail Mary prayer.
It's important to understand, for those of us unfamiliar with mystical Christianity, that Mother Mary is not who most people know her to be.
The “Virgin Mother” is just one aspect of her being — one that many scholars would say, was actually a vast over-simplification of a VERY mystical, educated, shamanic woman, DEEPLY initiated into the temples of ancient priestesshood.
Connecting with Mother Mary through the White Rose helped me to feel her energy… beyond what the church has told us she is.
I won't pretend I'm an expert. I'm still very much a student and beginner on this path.
What I can do is tell you that for me, Mother Mary is the pure, unconditional love of the Mother.
She is pure feminine Grace.
“In ancestral and indigenous cultures all over the world, plants are known to have their own spirit; their own consciousness.”
She is the embodiment of purity and trust in Divine Will.
And to me, what really helps me to connect to Mother Mary (and to Mary Magdalene and Yeshua or Jesus), is remembering that they were Human.
They walked upon this earth.
And because of this, they can be an inspiration to us all — as we are all fully human as well, walking on the same planet their own bare feet once touched.
To me, Mother Mary represents a woman that was so in touch with the Divine, with the angels, and with her womb, that she was a clear enough vessel for an ascended being like Jesus Christ to come through.
Remember: Christ is a title, just like Buddha. Jesus “the Christ” and Gautama “the Buddha” means “the anointed one” and “the enlightened one," respectively.
So, Mother Mary was a clear, willing, open, trusting vessel… who opened herself for the Divine to move through her, birthing a Lineage of Love on this planet.
Many say that Mother Mary trained in the lineages of the Priestesses of Isis in ancient Khemet (Egypt) and, alongside other priestesses of the time, learned the art of parthenogenesis or “virgin birth."
It is said that because of her studies and initiations, she intentionally trained to be a vessel for Immaculate Conception.
In this way, her conception was not accidental or merely Divine Grace, but was something she cultivated as a practice, alongside other priestesses.
She took part in sacred rituals such as hieros gamos or “sacred marriage” and understood the sacred mysteries of the bridal chambers.
Even the word “virgin” means “she who is whole unto herself” and was often used as a word to describe priestesses due to their sovereignty, strength, and independence.
There is much more I could say, but as I am diving into research on Mother Mary and the Magdalene… Let's just say that this is just the beginning, and after years of studying the Water Priestess and Bee Priestess mysteries, everything is coming together to make even more sense.
The spiral path of the sacred feminine continues…!
So, back to the Rose Dieta and to finish my story.
Rose initiated me into the remembrance of the sacredness of Mother Mary, and the sacred mystical feminine roots of Christianity, before the church changed the narrative and wrote women's stories and teachings out of the texts (400 years after her death).
On top of this, I had some very special moments of reconnection with my maternal grandmother, learning that every single night, my Grandma prays the rosary for Mother Mary, and believes that when she doesn't finish it, her Guardian Angel finishes it for her.
(This MOVED me and gave me a deeper point of connection to my Grandma!)
And so… I now have a proud altar for Mother Mary and for her Lineage of Love.
I now have reclaimed my Jewish heritage (on my father's side) and the mystical roots of my Catholic heritage (on my mother's side).
After years of “trying” to understand the sacred roots of Christianity, I finally “got it” through my body, heart, womb, mind, and soul.
I got it… through embodied experience.
All thanks to the Rose, and specifically the White Rose…
And thanks to the lineage of powerful, wise, mystical women including Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene, known as the Lineage of the Rose
Interested in Learning more?
It’s time to free yourself, connect with your ancestors, and create a ripple of healing for generations to come.
You are the descendant who came to heal so much in your lineage… and to reconnect with your wise, ancient ancestors for their wisdom and guidance.
The heart of your lineage is calling…
Your ancestors are calling…
Future generations are calling…
Will you answer the call?✨
This is for you. Join us in…
🧬 Lineage of Love 🧬
Lineage of Love is a 6-week course to support you to build deep, authentic relationships with your healed ancestors and bring healing to your lineage. This course only happens LIVE once per year.
You will reclaim the power of your roots, and allow the healing work you do to ripple through your entire lineage to touch your ancestors, descendants, and the earth.