Sharing Our Spiritual Gifts

Many women are afraid of being seen due to the witch wound - an ancient ancestral trauma that lives in our bodies from times when it wasn't safe to be seen or share our voices or spiritual gifts. 

Your female ancestors weren’t able to shine in their magic for MILLENNIA, for fear of being hurt, ridiculed, ostracized, or burned at the stake.

Let that sink in.

But today, you have a different choice...

To speak your truth, listen to your intuition, and shine in your magic.

So then why is it so scary to stop caring what others think about you?

To be fully seen in your magic feels scary, because this is imprinted in your DNA from times when it wasn’t safe.

In fact, it meant death. 💀

Consider all the women who not only had to live in silence, but also the women who had to hide their gifts.

The medicine makers.

The healers.

Women who knew the woods.

Who communed with nature and knew how to heal with her wisdom.

Sharing your magic with the world is a PRIVILEGE, and it is wise for us not to take it lightly.

There are STILL many women today, especially BIPOC, trans, and queer folks, who are still being hurt, ostracized, and murdered for speaking their truth... or simply being who they are.

It is our SACRED RESPONSIBILITY to express ourselves and share our spiritual gifts, if we are able.

Some of our ancestors literally needed to hide their magic and spirituality so that we could be alive today.

After thousands of years of secrecy and suppression, many of us are coming out of hiding and literally becoming our ancestors' wildest dreams.

I feel that it HONORS our ancestors for us to shine brightly, live fully, and make magic the norm again.

So if you ever feel fear around expressing your gifts, remember that this may be related to the fear of PERSECUTION.

THIS is the Witch Wound. It is ancient, and it still holds a grip over us today.

Everytime you speak your truth, it liberates the women in your lineage who has to stay silent. 

Every time you listen to your intuition, it liberates the women in your lineage who aren’t allowed to use their magic. 

To be fully seen in your magic feels scary because this is imprinted in your DNA from times when it wasn't safe. 

The witch wound manifests as a fear of using your voice, sharing your gifts, and being your most fully - expresses self.  

Being witnessed by those closest to you for your full self and your spiritual gifts is one of the most vulnerable things that you can do.

Every time you listen to your intuition, it liberates the women in your lineage who aren’t allowed to use their magic. 

We always left in tears, so grateful we had honored and spoken to our loved one on the other side.

This vulnerable opening allowed for them to feel the beauty, depth, love, and spiritual energy for themselves.

It takes courage to be seen in the ways that you’ve changed and in the ways you might be different.

During the past months especially, as I showed up for my 99 year old Great Aunt’s transition, I let my family see me in my spiritual beliefs and practices — and in my power as an ancestral oracle who walks between the worlds.

I sang to my Great Aunt in Hebrew; brought oils to anoint and uplift her; sprayed rose water over her; and worked with bird wings to move energy and work on her astral, etheric & spiritual bodies.

I read a prayer for the end of her life in front of the family. This was edgy because it spoke directly about life and death, and gave her permission to go.

Years ago, I started sharing ancestral rituals with my family that I hoped they would appreciate & find meaning in, even if it was different than what they were used to.

Whenever the birth date of death date of a family member came around, I guided my family to offer rose petals into water or into the wind.

I’ve received so much through deepening into my spiritual gifts.

Perhaps your path is learning to trust your own gifts within yourself, and when you feel ready for the next step of your soul’s evolution, to share your gifts with your friends or your community in a safe space.

Exactly where you are right now on your path of healing the Witch Wound and sharing your spiritual gifts is SACRED.

I would be honored to walk this path with you as you step into your embodiment of your gifts with confidence!

Many women are afraid of being seen due to the witch wound - an ancient ancestral trauma that lives in our bodies from times when it wasn't safe to be seen or share our voices or spiritula gifts. 

It literally meant death.

Reclaiming your right to feel safe as you shine, use your voice, be seen, and embody your gifts is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself and your ancestors, your family, and future generations.  

When you heal the Witch Wound, it not only heals yourself, your lineage, and the collective feminine. I

It also helps create a new paradigm on our planet where everyone’s spiritual gifts, inner feminine, and the true soul's voice are welcome and safe to be expressed. 

Are you ready to heal the fear of being seen in your full power as a woman? 

Are you ready to practice your spiritual gifts and become confident in sharing them?

Interested in Learning more?

Do you feel deep down you have spiritual gifts or magic in you?

Do you want to live your full potential, but you’re afraid of how it would impact your life if you TRULY embraced your power?

Are you ready to connect to your inner magic and heal the Witch Wound?

Meet your most magical self in our…

​​Witch Wound Course

Together let us reclaim past life + ancestral patterns. Identify and release unhealthy ones tied to the witch wounds and tap into what has always been rightfully ours!


What Do You Choose?


Healing Takes Time