Healing the Traumas of Your Past
Ancestral healing is healing the traumas of the past and remembering the love that lives at the core of your lineage.
This is worth reading!
When you connect to your ancient ancestors who hold a memory of love, harmony, and peace, you can pull that remembrance forward through your lineage and weave it into your lineage today.
One of the biggest healings our planet and humanity is calling for is the remembrance of the importance of where we come from, AND what will come emanate from us for generations to come.
Your life truly has intergenerational impact.
We need to break out of the illusion that we are separate from the Great Tapestry, into seeing that we are ALL weaving a thread into the Great Tapestry of All That Is.
At the core of the core, your lineage is Love.
No matter what trauma you feel within your lineage, it CAN be healed and you CAN restore remembrance of the pure love, beauty, harmony, and power of your lineage.
Your soul is a part of the Divine.
Your soul is untouchable, pure, and whole.
At the core, it is crystalline and pure.
The parts of you that feel pain, trauma, and wounding are simply layers around the crystalline core of your soul.
Through healing, we peel back these layers and release them.
The same is true for your lineage.
We are being asked to remember during these times that each of us is actually weaving a thread into the Great Tapestry of All That Is.
If you choose, your life’s and legacy can be a golden thread, filled with light and healing.
Our ancient wise ancestors knew this truth. They lived by it.
Humanity needs to remember the deep truth that we are a PART of the Great Tapestry, and what each of us “weaves” through our own life story has an impact on the whole… and the whole includes more than just humanity, but all beings everywhere, including Gaia.
It’s time to consciously weave a new pattern and a new way for the next generations to inherit. One of beauty, harmony, peace, prosperity, wisdom, and love.
I believe that this new way wants to call upon both the ancient wisdom of our ancestors before times of war & forgetting on our planet, as well as pulling from the future of what we feel is possible for humanity, plants, animals, and all of earth and her kin.
At the core of the core of the core, your lineage is Love.
We must look to the past and to the ancestors for wisdom.
We must look to the future and to our prayers for generations to come, to see how we wish to live now.
It is time to remember your place, purpose, & belonging in the Great Tapestry.
It is time to claim your life as an embodied prayer, weaving your golden thread into the web of life.
It is time to consciously weave a new way, Together.
The core of your lineage is crystalline. It is untouchable, pure, and Divine.
Any trauma or curse in your lineage is a layer around its pure crystalline core.
There is nothing “wrong” with your lineage at its core — its essence is sacred and untouchable.
I invite you to take a deep breath here to breathe this in.
r e m e m b e r .
These are two core teachings of Sacred Ancestry:
At the core of the core of the core, your soul is crystalline and pure. Your soul is Love. It is a part of the Divine.
The same is true for your lineage.
At the core of the core of the core, your lineage is Love.
If this resonates with you… I am deeply touched and standing with you in this holy remembrance.
If you find this deeply confronting or challenging to believe…
I invite you to just “try on” the wild possibility that this is true.
Interested in Learning more?
Cultivate your spiritual gifts, embody your inner healer, and liberate yourself from the Witch Wound.
If your deepest desire is to become liberated in this life for the liberation of all beings…
If your soul has been calling for an authentic path to truly heal, connect to your intuition, and embody your power as a woman and a healer…
This is for you.
🌿 The Way of the Healer Course 🌿
This is a journey to heal ancient patterns, release emotions, and find the deep, magical, empowered woman that lives within you… so that you can embody her in your life on practical and spiritual levels.
It’s time to spread your wings and become the wild, deep, empowered woman you know you came here to be.