Your Voice Carries Magic

You are in the midst of a healing renaissance and a mass global awakening.

When your voice shakes, let it QUAKE through the earth.

Let the raw power of your voice surprise you.

Let it fill you with energy, as something bigger moves through you.

Let your truth touch, heal, and transform the places and people who need it most.

My Sister, please let these words in:

Your expression is a tool for the liberation of you, your lineage, the earth, and the feminine collective.

If you ever hold back your truth and your expression, you are not alone.

So many women fear using their voices and experience physiological, emotional, and spiritual challenges around speaking and expressing their truth.

Truth is… if you can use your voice, it is a privilege.

It is a tool of great power for you and for the world.

Your voice and your gifts are TRULY needed.

You hold soooo much wisdom, power, and strength within you.

Now is the time!!!

Reclaim your voice, your gifts, your truth, and your inner wild woman.

When you do, it heals you and all your feminine ancestors before you.

Does this speak to you?

Does this resonate with your soul?

Are you ready to step into your feminine power, and let go of the fear, and feel safe to express your true self?

Now is the time to be feeling this and to tune into what our soul and heart are calling out to us!

You are now witnessing a turning point on the planet and the world will never be the same.

If you share your healing gifts with the world, you are a pioneer.

A new paradigm is birthing through you as you bridge heaven to earth.

Those who are called to share their healing gifts with the world during this time are leaders.

Never before in ANY of our lineages has there been a time like this when healing is so deeply needed and desired - and also so available on a mass scale.

You are here with your unique gifts during this time for a reason

You are now in a time where offering your healing gifts and wisdom to the world has NEVER been more possible.

There is so much opportunity and DEEP sacredness in this time.

Can you feel it?!

This is a time that our ancestors PRAYED for.

Your expression is a tool for the liberation of you, your lineage, the earth, and the feminine collective.

Never before has it been possible to share our healing gifts with thousands or millions of people, especially as women.

We are in a time now that is a HUGE turning point on our planet. I believe that we are in the midst of a healing renaissance — a mass global awakening of the power of inner work...

And our world will never be the same.

Those who are called to share their healing gifts with the world during this time are leaders at a new edge.

And this especially excites me when it comes to women who are called to reclaim their gifts which they have feared or hid away because they don't feel "ready" to step onto the path as a healer.

The truth is: The fear of our gifts is a deep feminine wound (#TheWitchWound) and when we express our sacred gifts, it heals ourselves and our lineages.

Sister, are you ready to step into your power?

The time is NOW.

Interested in Learning more?

Cultivate your spiritual gifts, embody your inner healer, and liberate yourself from the Witch Wound.

If your deepest desire is to become liberated in this life for the liberation of all beings…

If your soul has been calling for an authentic path to truly heal, connect to your intuition, and embody your power as a woman and a healer…

This is for you.

🌿 The Way of the Healer Course 🌿

This is a journey to heal ancient patterns, release emotions, and find the deep, magical, empowered woman that lives within you… so that you can embody her in your life on practical and spiritual levels.

It’s time to spread your wings and become the wild, deep, empowered woman you know you came here to be.


Healing the Traumas of Your Past


Reclaiming Your Gifts