Liberate Your Soul

When you speak your truth and live from your soul, it liberates thousands of feminine ancestors who weren’t able to for fear of being punished, persecuted, or hunted as witches.

Live from your soul. Name your desires. Set boundaries. Live your truth.

Let the fire within you burn bright in the name of liberation.

Make decisions from the deeper voice of your intuition, even when it doesn’t make sense to your mind.

One of the most liberating things we can do as women especially, is to live from the TRUTH of our soul when society has told us to fit into a box.

“Be polite!”

“Be a good girl!”

“Be seen and not heard!” (But when you’re seen, look like the girls in the magazines)

The truth is, these expectations placed on women are still reverberations of thousands of years of women being silenced and our feminine wisdom being repressed.

When you speak your truth and live from your soul, it liberates you, it liberates all the women in your lineage - it stops the pattern from repeating!

AND it helps to liberate the women who are still unable to freely express their truth today.

This is a feminine revolution.

It doesn’t just liberate women — it liberates the feminine that lives within ALL life and in humanity.

So, sacred woman, dance your heart out.

Speak your truth.

Live in the full, radiant, wild, unique truth of your soul.

It heals you, and it heals our world.

Signs you are living from the soul:

You feel a fire within to honor your worth, ask for what you want, set boundaries, and live your truth

You realize feelings, your deepest emotions, and desires (even the taboo) are a holy portal to healing

You move from a place that may not make sense to your mind, but it feels deep, authentic, and liberating (even in the pain and uncertainty.) 

When you speak your truth and live from your soul, it liberates thousands of feminine ancestors who weren’t able to for fear of being punished, persecuted, or hunted as witches.

Sisters! Do you feel it in the depths of your soul?

When you speak your truth, it helps to liberate the women who are still unable to freely express their truth today. 

You are now part of a feminine revolution. 

This is the moment.

This is the time our feminine ancestors prayed for.

This is the time people all over our planet are praying for RIGHT NOW. 

So, sacred woman, dance your heart out.

Speak your truth.

Live in the full, radiant, wild, unique truth of your soul.

It heals you, and it heals our world. 

To the men - we need you. 

Take a stand for women as we courageously voice our truth, dance with vulnerable hearts, and shine in our magic.

Stand up for the feminine.

Use your voice, body, and heart for healing.

Rise as a protector of the sacred. 

If you’re a woman who’s ready to live from the truth of your soul..

Interested in Learning more?

Are you ready to connect to your inner magic and heal the Witch Wound?

Together let us reclaim past life + ancestral patterns. Identify and release unhealthy ones tied to the witch wounds and tap into what has always been rightfully ours!

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Time Of Transition


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