Time Of Transition

You are living in a time that your ancestors prayed for. Act accordingly.

Are you in a time of transition? 

The more I look around recently, the more I see that SO many of us are going through big life changes.

So many soul-level relationships are shifting.

Many are feeling called to heal themselves deeper than ever before.

Some of us are moving into new homes, or doing a deep cleanse in our current home.

Some of us are grieving, raging, or going through our own inner initiations.

Honor yourself in your rite of passage. 

If you haven't yet, I recommend setting time aside to be in ritual with yourself and to do something symbolic to represent this rite of passage you are going through. 

Whether it's releasing flowers into the sea, sitting beneath the moon in prayer, or donating half of your closet...

You are worthy of honoring this sacred transition you are in, as you move from one way of being into your next chapter.

Holding yourself through the transition in a ceremonial container and allowing for what wants to rise - to rise.

If you’re in a time of transition in your life, remember to witness and honor yourself with compassion.

This transition can be honored as your rite of passage into your next soul evolution. 

Rebirth may feel far away at times, but it’s coming.

Trust in your coil’s rhythm and your divine timing. 

For this is a change that is needed, change that once before your ancestors prayed so DEEPLY for.

Your ancestors may have prayed for you to be alive in a moment in time like this… 

You are creating a better world for future generations, through how you show up and LIVE today! 

When your soul’s gifts and truth can be fully shared & received. 

You are now in a time where offering your healing, gifts, and wisdom to the world has NEVER been more possible. 

Can you feel it?

Future generations will remember the work you will do in this lifetime.

Can you FEEL the future generations?

Can you feel the future descendants of the earth giving thanks to their ancestors (aks US!) for doing this work?

So much magic lives within you…

And so much magic wants to be reclaimed from your lineage. 

We are reclaiming our healing gifts and rewriting old stories of fear of expressing ourselves.

We are birthing a new paradigm.

You are creating a better world for future generations through how you show up and LIVE today! 

Your ancestors are here to walk by your side as you heal yourself, reclaim your deepest soul power, and connect to the wisdom that resides deeply in your body, mind, heart, and spirit.

Interested in Learning more?

Are you ready to connect to your inner magic and heal the Witch Wound?

Together let us reclaim past life + ancestral patterns. Identify and release unhealthy ones tied to the witch wounds and tap into what has always been rightfully ours!

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