Reclaiming Your Gifts
If you shut down your gifts, did you ever HEAL your relationship to this wound and reclaim your power?
About 7 years ago, I was deeeeeply connected to my gifts. They came through me with such ease and trust.
At the time, I was teaching courses to help people connect to their spiritual guides & to help women embody their power.
I had a DEEP relationship with one guide in particular. I had an altar for this guide, sang to them daily, and meditated with them for guidance.
Until one day, something happened that made me doubt my guide and my connection.
Was my guide actually a trickster spirit?
Is this all real?
Can I TRUST this?
What am I pouring energy into?
It was a process that friends were involved in as well. LOTS of strong opinions came at me.
I “humbled” myself & decided to listen to the opinions of others.
I shut down my spiritual gifts, declaring that I didn’t want to use them unless I was SURE of what I was connecting with.
This catapulted me into a dark night of the soul. I questioned everything.
I STOPPED teaching women and working with guides, and went straight to God/Divine for 2 entire years to purify my channel & learn how to be in right relationship with my gifts.
A LOT happened during that time and when I came out, I asked myself:
“What do I trust without a shadow of a doubt?”
My answer: The Ancestors & the Elements.
Thus began what you see today: Me impacting the world with my purpose & gifts, and learning more and more every day as an eternal student.
But it does NOT have to be this hard to get there!!!
I learned SO much along the way… and I am PASSIONATE about sharing my lessons, learnings, gems, and teachings with you to help you rise into your gifts and power with ease, beauty, and strength.
You don’t have to learn through pain, confusion and contraction.
You can learn through JOY, peace, and expansion.
In this world, we are often taught to fear our own intuitive gifts — or we gaslight ourselves out of believing they are real.
”You’re so sensitive”
”You’re too emotional”
”I think I just heard my intuition but I’m just going to choose something else…”
Listen: Your gifts are REAL.
There’s something in you that can see, feel, or sense beyond this physical 3D world.
But often out of trauma, fear, or social anxiety… we shut our gifts down.
It is truly a healing journey to reclaim your relationship to your gifts and learn to trust yourself again.
The truth is that we are ALL psychic beings; we ALL have these kinds of gifts to varying degrees and in many different expressions…
AND, no one on this planet has the exact expression of gifts that you have, combined with the specific gifts of your lineage, and your unique perspective you’ve gained through your life experience.
Connecting to your own inner guidance system is key.
I have been on quite the journey with my own gifts. I shut them down for years, or dampened them, afraid of the shadow side.
My own journey has included lots of prayer, ritual, shadow work, feminine embodiment, inner child healing, altar creation, shamanic journeys, nature connection, elemental magic, singing & reclaiming my voice, mentorship, trainings, and sooo much more.
It’s not a simple path of 1, 2, 3.
It is a unique journey for each of us.
You have a unique soul blueprint within you, and your guides will give you different guidance than what others may receive for themselves.
This is why it’s so very important to purify, fortify, sanctify, and strengthen your OWN connection.
No one outside of you has the answers.
Connecting to your own inner guidance system is key.
The liberation that comes through this path of healing yourself & reclaiming your gifts is impossible to put into words.
If this path calls to you, I am about to guide a very intimate cohort of women on a journey of healing & stepping into our gifts.
If you've ever shut down your spiritual gifts or you're hiding them, this is your sign that it's time to heal your relationship to your intuition and your inner guidance system.
Most healers go through a period of doubting their gifts, feeling unworthy of sharing them, or even fearing their gifts.
It's time to normalize this part of the journey.
You are not alone.
Many of us have past-life energies, ancestral traumas, and social fears that can make it feel terrifying to reclaim our gifts.
It is truly a healing journey to reclaim your relationship to your gifts and learn to trust yourself again.
It's time to reclaim your spiritual gifts, embody your inner healer, and liberate yourself from the Witch Wound.
Interested in Learning more?
Cultivate your spiritual gifts, embody your inner healer, and liberate yourself from the Witch Wound.
If your deepest desire is to become liberated in this life for the liberation of all beings…
If your soul has been calling for an authentic path to truly heal, connect to your intuition, and embody your power as a woman and a healer…
This is for you.
🌿 The Way of the Healer Course 🌿
This is a journey to heal ancient patterns, release emotions, and find the deep, magical, empowered woman that lives within you… so that you can embody her in your life on practical and spiritual levels.
It’s time to spread your wings and become the wild, deep, empowered woman you know you came here to be.