The Great Tapestry of All That Is
Look to the past and to the ancestors for wisdom — and also look to the future and to your prayers for the generations to come. Allow both to inform you in how you can live your life now to be the change you wish to see.
To innerstand the true importance of your life, I present you with a metaphor — that of the Great Tapestry.
Each of us is a thread in the Great Tapestry of All That Is. However, many believe that in their life, they are creating their own individual tapestry and that their life doesn’t really affect the whole.
The truth is that your life is a sacred thread in a Great Tapestry — a tapestry that has been woven long before you and that will be woven long after you.
We inherit the patterns of what has been woven before us in this tapestry. If we are unconscious, apathetic, or asleep in some way, we will weave a similar repeated pattern from previous generations.
If you’re content with how things have been going in history and on our planet, then stay the course. Repeat the pattern. But if you’re here, then you are likely awake to the fact that there is a new way that is wanting to be woven into the fabric of all life.
We are being asked to remember that each of us is weaving a thread into the Great Tapestry of All That Is. If you choose, your life and legacy can be a golden thread, filled with light and healing.
It’s time to consciously weave a new pattern and a new way for the next generations to inherit. One of beauty, harmony, peace, prosperity, wisdom, and love.
Look to the past and to the ancestors for wisdom — and also look to the future and to your prayers for the generations to come. Allow both to inform you in how you can live your life now to be the change you wish to see.
One of the biggest healings our planet and humanity is calling for is the remembrance of the importance of where we come from, AND what will come emanate from us for generations to come. 🌎
❤️ Your life truly has intergenerational impact. ❤️
We need to break out of the illusion that we are separate from the Great Tapestry, into seeing that we are ALL weaving a thread into the Great Tapestry of All That Is.
We are being asked to remember during these times that each of us is actually weaving a thread into the Great Tapestry of All That Is.
If you choose, your life’s and legacy can be a golden thread, filled with light and healing.
Our ancient wise ancestors knew this truth. They lived by it.
Humanity needs to remember the deep truth that we are a PART of the Great Tapestry, and what each of us “weaves” through our own life story has an impact on the whole… and the whole includes more than just humanity, but all beings everywhere, including Gaia.
It’s time to consciously weave a new pattern and a new way for the next generations to inherit. One of beauty, harmony, peace, prosperity, wisdom, and love.
I believe that this new way wants to call upon both the ancient wisdom of our ancestors before times of war & forgetting on our planet, as well as pulling from the future of what we feel is possible for humanity, plants, animals, and all of earth and her kin.
👁 We must look to the past and to the ancestors for wisdom.
👁 We must look to the future and to our prayers for generations to come, to see how we wish to live now.
It is time to remember your place, purpose, & belonging in the Great Tapestry.
It is time to claim your life as an embodied prayer, weaving your golden thread into the web of life.
It is time to consciously weave a new way, Together.
Are you with me?
Interested in Learning more?
Are you ready to break the pattern? My self-paced course is now open!
The 🧬 Lineage Of Love 🧬 course will help you begin to unwind the patterns at the root — your ancestral lineages.
It includes 4 modules of deep healing meditations, e-book guides full of journal prompts, and more essential teachings.