You Are a Protector of the Sacred
You are here to be a protector of the sacred. 🌎🌿
Protector of the earth.
And protector of the hearth fires of our ancestors that have largely been forgotten and burned down to quiet embers... awaiting the breath of our remembrance.
Notice what awakens in your body as you're reading this...
Your feelings and sensations are clues to how you can make a difference in the world.
Perhaps you feel the Great Mother's grief, rage, and yearning for peace on the planet...
Maybe you can hear the earth saying "no more" to the constant extraction of her resources and objectification of her body...
Perhaps you feel an ancient, primal warrior protector being awakened within you...
You might feel a deep love for our planet and for her people...
Or maybe you can feel the stirring of your great grandmothers whispering inside of your womb, calling you to remember the deep truth of all that has been forgotten in your bloodline...
The earth needs you.
The water needs you.
The plants need you.
The animals need you.
The children need you.
You are a future ancestor.
Remember your power.
We are the souls that came here to REMEMBER.
We came here to support humanity to awaken to our sacred role as stewards of this earth, and guardians of the sacred.
We came here to aid in the healing of our planet, to disrupt old systems, and usher earth into a new era that sings with the integrated wisdom of our ancient wise ancestors.
These words may whisper to you in the winds, in your womb, in your bones, up your spine.
Wherever you feel it... take a deep breath into the feeling.
And let it grow.
Awaken, sacred protector...
The earth needs you...
Your ancestors need you...
Future descendants are calling you, and it is time.
Interested in Learning more?
Are you ready to break the pattern? My self-paced course is now open!
The 🧬 Lineage Of Love 🧬 course will help you begin to unwind the patterns at the root — your ancestral lineages.
It includes 4 modules of deep healing meditations, e-book guides full of journal prompts, and more essential teachings.