The Sacredness of Grief and Rage
Your grief and rage are sacred. Feelings these emotions can help you unleash your power and remember who you are and what you stand for.
Your grief and rage can be channeled into a force of LOVE that can heal this planet.
You are not powerless. You are infinitely powerful, and it’s time to remember and feel that power… even if it is buried deep inside.
There is power in feeling grief and rage and channeling them into something divine…into a love that can bring you a level of healing that not only you but the WORLD will feel.
From there, you will uncover the gifts and great source of healing it truly beholds.
Grief and rage are great teachers, as wise wisdom is found within them but only if we can approach them with compassion.
To say, “Yes, I feel you grief, I feel you rage, and I hold you here with me.”
Every emotion that arises within us deserves to be held and acknowledged.
Here is where we stand strong and claim the wisdom!
It’s time to stand strong in the sacred power of your emotions and use them towards healing, awakening, and creating a better world.
It’s time to awaken the primal powerful protector energy that lives inside of you and all of us in our hearts and bloodlines - to stand up for the earth and each other.
So how do we begin to do this?
Sometimes feeling rage, grief, or any similar emotion can cause confusion and can be overwhelming. - AND that’s okay and perfectly normal.
Let’s try this…
When you feel rage, you can channel the fierce mama bear who will do anything to protect her cub — and put that energy towards a cause or towards setting boundaries for yourself. “In the name of love, what will I no longer tolerate?”
Another helpful archetype for channeling healthy rage & boundaries is the ancient masculine warrior who stands up to fight for his family, village, and honor.
A healthy way to channel grief is to feel the cries of Mother Earth — the untold stories of the women in our lineages who were silenced or killed — the heartbreak of beloved animals who have gone extinct — of the children who are raised in trauma — of the indigenous wisdom keepers & protectors who are being killed — and let it move you into action.
For highly sensitive beings, the way that we heal ourselves and the world is through feeling so deeply that our emotion becomes a prayer in motion.
Your grief and rage can be channeled into a force of LOVE that can heal this planet.
Feel it all so deeply that it breaks your heart open and reveals the sacred warrior of Love within you.
Allow for you to welcome that warrior of LOVE in without judgment or unwelcome thoughts - but to just feel it to your core and smile.
Allow whatever comes up. If tears flow, allow the sacred waters to run down and heal you! For this becomes your sacred medicine.
Let’s stand for all the divine ways we are ALL connecting with.
We stand for CONNECTION
We stand for SACRED WATERS
We stand for the CHILDREN
We stand for the ANIMAL & PLANT KINGDOMS
We stand for PEACE
We stand for REMEMBRANCE
We stand for HUMANITY
We stand for LOVE
It’s time to dig deep into the power & prayer within us
And RECLAIM our reverence and fierce protection of all that is sacred.
You can evoke a deep well of power within you and channel it towards healing — yourself, your lineage, the world.
Take a deep breath now and FEEL IT…
So say a prayer and anchor in for the collective!
Interested in Learning more?
Are you ready to break the pattern?
🧬 Lineage Of Love 🧬 is a 6-week ancestral healing course which will help you begin to unwind the patterns at the root — your ancestral lineages.
It includes 6 modules of live calls, deep healing meditations, e-book guides full of journal prompts, and more essential teachings.
This course is currently on a sliding scale payment system through June 16th, 2022, and 100% of donations received will go toward an earth-honoring charity, Pachamama Alliance.