Your Lineage Is Love
At the core of the core, your lineage is love.
No matter what has happened in your lineage, the core of your lineage is sacred and pure.
There is absolutely nothing that could have happened in your lineage that could ever change it from being truly pure…
As we are born and brought into this world, untouched, sacred, pure, and filled with love - sometimes things from our previous ancestral lines are passed down to us.
This doesn’t mean we are tainted or ruined, it means we get to see and feel what is there, so we can unravel and see the TRUE BEAUTY of our lineage.
And if you are here, you are the chosen one to see that, at the core, your lineage is ultimately sacred and pure.
This is life-changing for those of you who are ready to receive it! I honor this in you.
Beneath all the layers of trauma, pain or wounding, your lineage is crystalline, pure, sacred love.
Ancestral healing is healing the traumas of the past and remembering the love that lives at the core of your lineage.
No matter what trauma you feel within your lineage, it CAN be healed and you CAN restore remembrance of the pure love, beauty, and magic of your lineage.
There isn’t anything you can’t heal within your lineage! Nothing is impossible.
When you begin to go on this journey of ancestral healing, you will begin to witness the parts being healed, the wounds being closed, and the traumas being filled with love instead of sadness or grief.
You are restoring what is meant to be for you and your lineage. It’s one of the greatest medicines you can give all related to you!
Your soul is a part of the Divine. Your soul is untouchable, pure, and whole. At the core, it is crystalline and pure.
The parts of you that feel pain, trauma, and wounding are simply layers around the crystalline core of your soul. Through healing, we peel back these layers and release them.
The same is true for your lineage.
When you connect to your ancient wise ancestors who hold this memory of love, you can pull that love forward through your lineage and weave it into your lineage today.
Love can overcome anything and everything.
Beneath all the layers of trauma, pain, or wounding, your lineage is crystalline, pure, sacred love.
The core of your lineage is crystalline. It is untouchable, pure, and Divine.
Any trauma or curse in your lineage is a layer around its pure crystalline core.
There is nothing “wrong” with your lineage at its core — its essence is sacred and untouchable.
Feel it in you, feel the sacredness when you spend time in nature or pray at your altar or sing your heart out!
Deep down inside, you are SACRED AND PURE.
I invite you to take a deep breath here to breathe this in.
Remember this always: At the core of the core, your lineage is love.
r e m e m b e r.
These are two core teachings of Sacred Ancestry: At the core of the core of the core, your soul is crystalline and pure. Your soul is Love. It is a part of the Divine.
You are divine!
The same is true for your lineage. At the core of the core of the core, your lineage is Love.
If this resonates with you… I am deeply touched and standing with you in this holy remembrance.
OR if you find this deeply confronting or challenging to believe…
I invite you to just “try on” the wild possibility that this is true.
I invite you to try on the possibility that remembering the true essence of Love that lives at the core of your lineage could heal some of your deepest wounds within yourself, your lineage, and your lifetime on earth.
And in doing so, it may just reveal the deep inner love, peace, radiance, beauty, magic, and purpose that live within you.
Step inside…
You are wanted here, and your healing and remembrance is the greatest gift you could give!
Interested in Learning more?
Are you ready to break the pattern?
🧬 Lineage Of Love 🧬 is a 6-week ancestral healing course which will help you begin to unwind the patterns at the root — your ancestral lineages.
It includes 6 modules of live calls, deep healing meditations, e-book guides full of journal prompts, and more essential teachings.
This course is currently on a sliding scale payment system through June 16th, 2022, and 100% of donations received will go toward an earth-honoring charity, Pachamama Alliance.