What is Ancestral Healing?
Every cell in your body remembers both the wisdom and the trauma of your ancestors — even if your conscious mind doesn’t.
In the Western world, most of us live completely disconnected from the ancestral realm. We believe that our emotions, issues, habits, and relationship patterns are our responsibility alone — when in truth, most of it is ancestral.
It’s important to remember that we are the exception when looking at the arc of human time and culture. For millennia, cultures all over the world have had practices of ancestral reverence, healing and ritual. They understand the vast intergenerational connections that impact their lives in a deep, pervasive way -- not only spiritually, but on all levels.
Indigenous cultures thriving today maintain strong relationships to their ancestors in order to bring balance, health, good fortune, guidance, and protection to their lives and their families.
Ancestral healing is the process of clearing the trauma held within one’s ancestral lineages.
It is the understanding that when looking at patterns, habits, and trauma — they came from somewhere.
Oftentimes, trauma is learned or received from parents who received it from their parents, who received it from their parents. This is intergenerational trauma, which is resolved through ancestral healing.
Ancestral healing brings immediate shifts such as emotional healing, and ending negative patterns and beliefs.
It brings the blessings of protection, guidance, wisdom, support, and love to your life and your lineage… not only spiritually, but on every level.
Through 1-on-1 Ancestral Healing work, one can heal trauma, reclaim their power, strengthen their boundaries and heal at the root source.
Ancestral healing is an ancient healing modality — one that has stood the test of time.
Whether it was the ancient Egyptians sending their beloved dead to the afterlife with a map to find their way; the Vikings being ceremonially buried with their stallions; Incan rulers taking valuable jewelry and pottery to the grave with them; or Vietnamese families tending to their family altars today… ancestral reverence and ritual has long been alive, and it is here to stay.
The simple fact is, cultures all over the world want to know that their ancestors are doing “well” on the other side.
Ancient spiritual wisdom all over the world is predicated on the understanding that the wellness of the spirit world (including our ancestors) impacts our lives in every way… emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically.
In the West, we have our own beliefs that may not be as straightforward, but if you look closely, we share the same sentiment.
have you ever heard these expressions?
“He’s in a better place now.”
“She’ll always be with you. You carry her in your heart.”
“Grandpa is turning in his grave.”
“If she could see you, she’d be so proud of you right now.”
“I miss him so much, I can almost feel his presence.”
Whether you believe in the afterlife or not, the lives our ancestors lived deeply affect us today. In fact, it’s also woven into our DNA.
Science has proven how trauma is inherited through the study of epigenetics -- it is proven that traumatic memories are passed on through our genes, and these genes can be turned on or off.
Are you ready to step into ancestral healing?