Your DNA Holds the Memories of Your Ancestors

You have 37.2 trillion cells, each with about 2 meters of DNA. You could literally travel to Jupiter and back over 14 times by the length of your cellular makeup. (Yep, someone did the math and the number is over 14x!)

Whenever you think that you are simply a tiny human on a huge planet floating through space, remember this: The DNA that your ancestors passed to you is your birthright to infinity.

AND on top of this, science may tell you that 98.5% of our DNA is “junk DNA.”

I believe that this junk DNA isn’t “junk” — it just isn’t understood fully by science. Your DNA holds so much ancestral wisdom, ancient memory, and indescribable magic of our lineages! 

Some scientists even believe junk DNA holds DNA sequences behind the development of the uterus, opposable thumbs, and that these non-coding DNA segments act like a “volume knob” for gene expression. 🤯 (Source: Discover Magazine)

If you took all your DNA, straightened it out, and put it end-to-end, it would stretch to Jupiter and back 10x over. You are neither small nor insignificant. You’re just very well folded.

In your unwritten, uncoded DNA is the possibility of life, abundance, and the opportunity to live in your fullest expression, in the body that was given to you and created by your ancestors.

By choosing to heal, to awaken and to end the cycles of patterns of trauma in your lineage, you can begin to awaken the wisdom and creative power within your DNA.

Your DNA holds the memories of your ancestors, the imprint of your body and genetics, your personality, and all of your possibilities.

DNA is the gift of your ancestors, and the pathway to your destiny of repetition or of healing and thriving...

What will you choose?

Interested in Learning more?

Are you ready to break the pattern? My self-paced course is now open!

The 🧬 Lineage Of Love 🧬 course will help you begin to unwind the patterns at the root — your ancestral lineages.

It includes 4 modules of deep healing meditations, e-book guides full of journal prompts, and more essential teachings.


You Are a Protector of the Sacred


Your Life Has Intergenerational Impact