Your Mother’s Womb
All the eggs a woman will ever carry form in her ovaries while she is a four-month-old fetus in the womb of her mother.
This means our cellular life as an egg begins in the womb of our grandmother.
Each of us spent five months in our grandmother’s womb, and she, in turn, formed within the womb of her grandmother.
We vibrate to the rhythms of our mother’s blood before she herself is born.
This pulse is the thread of blood that runs all the way through the grandmothers to the first mother.
We all share the blood of the first mother. We are truly children of one blood.
- Layne Redmond
There is a red thread of energy that connects your womb space to the womb of your mother, and hers to her mother, and so on down your maternal lineage.
The maternal lineage Is a lineage of wombs that birthed other wombs, creating a line of women who hold the stories and energies of all the women who have come before them.
We store stories of our mothers and grandmothers in our wombs, and when we connect to our wombs and listen to our intuition, we help to heal our feminine ancestral trauma.
Not all ancestral trauma is from generations ago.
Some of it was inherited through your experience while you were in your mother’s womb (and even your grandmother’s womb!)
This formative time, whether you consciously remember it or not, shaped you in many ways — including your DNA, emotional state, and psychological health.
Beyond the studies of epigenetics (the science of intergenerational gene expressions), a part of ancestral healing is to look at what your mother experienced while she was pregnant with you.
Your mother may have deeply wanted you but originally, your father did not.
Your parents may have gotten in a fight while you were in the womb, or one cheated on the other.
Your mother may have lost a parent or a close friend.
The list of possibilities goes on and on…
Each of us spent five months in our grandmother’s womb, and she, in turn, formed within the womb of her grandmother.
Whatever emotions she was experiencing, you also received!
It’s chemical and hormonal — and her perceived stress, sadness, or danger was shared with you because you were so deeply connected and living as one.
Studies have been done on mothers who were holocaust survivors with PTSD, and pregnant women who were in the World Trade Center during 9/11.
They found that the children of these mothers “had a significantly higher rate of developing serious psychological problems after traumatic experiences” such as assault and rape. (Source: Rachel Yehuda)
This is scientific proof of how ancestral trauma is passed down!
And it shows what a powerful imprint trauma has on us while we are in our mother’s womb.
Your time in the womb was so formative to your being that you may see the effects of in-utero trauma without even realizing where it’s from!
This deep DNA and emotional connection between baby and mother runs so deep, and looking into it can spark profound realizations and revelations on your own journey.
Are you ready to heal yourself, connect to your intuition, liberate your feminine ancestors and step into your full power?
Interested in Learning more?
Are you ready to break the pattern?
🧬 Lineage Of Love 🧬 is a 6-week ancestral healing course which will help you begin to unwind the patterns at the root — your ancestral lineages.
It includes 6 modules of live calls, deep healing meditations, e-book guides full of journal prompts, and more essential teachings.
This course is currently on a sliding scale payment system through June 16th, 2022, and 100% of donations received will go toward an earth-honoring charity, Pachamama Alliance.