Releasing Ancient Patterns
Ancestral healing happens through our bodies & through transmuting the stories our bodies hold. Oftentimes if you are cycling in a pattern, habit, mindset, or way of being. It is your ancestors speaking through you, asking you to heal.
Divinity in YOU
The Divine Feminine defies boxes, limitations, and expectations. She laughs ferociously with her tongue out at old, outdated gender norms. The Divine Feminine is beautifully multifaceted.
Sacred Rite of Ancestral Connection
We all have wise ancestors somewhere down the line. This includes you. No one else talks about this, but ancestral healing literally heals the foundation of your life and the way that you feel about who you are.
Connection = Power
When you heal your lineage, you help heal the earth and create a better world for future generations. So often, we walk through the world disconnected from our roots, from the earth, from our bodies, and from our ancestors.
Power of the Ancient Feminine
Your wombspace is a portal to your deepest healing of past wounds and your most empowered self. The sacredness lives within you. It is the source where life is created and comes to be when we enter this beautiful world.
Signs of Womb Healing
Healing the womb space is a multi-faceted journey that also includes healing your relationship to feminine energy, to your sensuality, your body, and your ancestors. Healing the womb is diving deeper into who you TRULY are.
Divine Feminine Energy
There are certain times when nothing but feminine energy will do. There are moments when we know we need support and assistance in midwifing us through a potent portal or a life transition.
You Are Breaking Generational Curses
This is for the Mothers who are choosing to heal, in spite of all the challenges. Choosing to heal despite the messages society sends them about their value. Choosing to heal because they know that their healing will give their children the best start in life.
Shadow Work & Darkness
This time of year, the sacred darkness of winter can bring up so much for us. You may be feeling energies rise to the surface so that you can reflect on what you want to change, heal, and shift as you enter into the new year.
Inner Child Wounds
Children are programmed by their parents, who are programmed by their parents, and so on down the line. This is a generational cycle, and the wounds your inner child holds are most likely similar to those of your parents and ancestors.
Here, You Are Home.
If we carry intergenerational trauma (and we do), then we also carry intergenerational wisdom. It's in our genes and in our DNA. Imagine if you could go back in time to see, feel, and hear the wisdom of your ancestors.
Cultural Appropriation
Many of us have deep appreciation and deep soul resonance with other lineages that are not our own blood lineages in this lifetime, that doesn't mean that we can't explore those other cultures, teachings, & ceremonies.
What Do You Choose?
For thousands of years in our lineages, a woman expressing her truth, sensuality, or intuition literally meant death.Anything that was out of the “ordinary” was seen as bad and not accepted by society’s norm.
Sharing Our Spiritual Gifts
Many women are afraid of being seen due to the witch wound - an ancient ancestral trauma that lives in our bodies from times when it wasn't safe to be seen or share our voices or spiritual gifts. But today, you have a different choice...
Healing Takes Time
Your healing journey isn't meant to look perfect, fit into any boxes, or be instagrammable for the consumption of others. Real talk: Healing work is not a quick fix. There is no “magic pill” — because there isn’t meant to be one!
True Meaning of Witches
In old European languages, the word “witch” actually meant seer, knower, and wise woman. Over the centuries, the word “witch” has undergone a massive transformation in meaning and cultural significance.
Witchcraft & The Witch Hunts
The whole story of the witchcraft and the witch hunts is interwoven with the fear of feminine sensuality. In many cultures, a woman who lived in tune with her fully expressed self has been called a witch. The narrative that feminine power is dangerous, dirty, or "less than" was fed to us for thousands of years.
Time Of Transition
Are you in a time of transition? The more I look around recently, the more I see that so many of us are going through big life changes. So many soul-level relationships are shifting.
Liberate Your Soul
When you speak your truth and live from your soul, it liberates thousands of feminine ancestors who weren’t able to for fear of being punished, persecuted, or hunted as witches.
You Are A Wild One
For many of our ancestors, sharing their true expression literally meant death. The Witch Wound is an ancient wound that is usually carried by women — even if you don’t have any ancestors who were witches, you can still carry it.