Living Our Truth
An essential part of the path of ancestral healing is being willing to contradict & transform the stories we have been told. Through living in our truth, using our voices, setting boundaries, and taking a stand for our full-spectrum self-expression, we actually heal our lineages too.
Remember Where You Come From
The lineage you were born into holds a medicine or soul lesson that you NEED to receive in this life — and your soul came into your lineage to heal, shift, or anchor something in that it otherwise wouldn’t be able to without you.
Wisdom Keepers
Each time a woman heals her wombspace, she becomes a wisdom keeper for her lineage. She becomes a direct portal to the wisdom of her ancestors and an oracle who receives guidance to create a thriving world for future generations.
The Power of Healing
When you connect to your ancestors and heal yourself, this act ripples out to create healing, love, light, and beauty in your lineage and on this planet that cannot be understood with the mind, but rather, felt deeply in the body, womb, and heart and on soul level.
Your Mother’s Womb
There is a red thread of energy that connects your womb space to the womb of your mother, and hers to her mother, and so on down your maternal lineage. The maternal lineage Is a lineage of wombs that birthed other wombs, creating a line of women who hold the stories.
A Hidden Gem
Every ancestral wound has a gem of wisdom hidden beneath it. Through the eyes of compassion, we can see the hurting ancestor at the core of the wound. When you heal this unwell ancestor, we reclaim the gifts, wisdom, and energy that have been lying dormant beneath the wound.
The Power within Star Ancestors
Our ancestors of soul lineage are beings whom we share a lineage with beyond this body, blood, and lifetime. Star Ancestors can be powerful to work with on the path of ancestral healing and healing our blood lineages and also in helping us step into our soul purpose in this life.
Your Body Is An Ancestral Compass
Are you sacrificing yourself to keep others feeling comfortable? If you’re a people-pleaser or you’ve ever experienced codependency — you’re not alone. These patterns didn’t start with you. The root of these patterns is actually ancestral.
Your Lineage Is Love
Beneath all the layers of trauma, pain or wounding, your lineage is crystalline, pure, sacred love. No matter what trauma you feel within your lineage, it CAN be healed and you CAN restore remembrance of the pure love, beauty, and magic of your lineage.
The Sacredness of Grief and Rage
Your grief and rage are sacred. Feelings these emotions can help you unleash your power and remember who you are and what you stand for. Your grief and rage can be channeled into a force of LOVE that can heal this planet.
Reconnect To Your Roots
Imagine what can happen when we, as a collective, remember to tend to our roots — the earth, the ancestors, and Source. Imagine what would shift in the world if we tended to the earth as an altar and truly, deeply listen to her.
You Were Chosen
You were born into your lineage for a reason. You carry a name that has a story, and you're here to weave a golden thread into that story — to change it for the better, for generations to come.
The Sacred Womb
The womb is the sacred giver of life. Our ancestors knew this, and our feminine ancestors knew when they didn’t have the safety, resources or desire to bring further life into the world.
Healing The Father Wound
To heal the father wound, take some time to deeply and genuinely thank the many good men in your lineage who contributed to you being born. If you don’t think there were any good men in your lineage, look deeper…
Our Duty As Future Ancestors
When we are elders, what stories do we want to tell the future generations about what we DID and who we BECAME during these times of great change and upheaval?
Connecting With Ancestors & Their Rich History
This remembrance of the sacredness and love in your lineage is a healing force — and as you allow it to travel through all the generations all the way to you (AND your body in the present) then you can embody your most HEALED expression today.
Emotions In Our Ancestral Lineage
If an emotion or energy has been pushed down and rejected in your lineage for generations and generations, it becomes unconscious and can affect every aspect of your life without you knowing it.
Healing The Feminine
Our bodies are libraries and each droplet of water is like an infinite book, spanning thousands of pages, thousands of lifetimes and hundreds of thousands of memories and stories.
Blessings To All Mothers
It’s time to remember those mothers who did the impossible for you and so many generations before you. May we send blessings to the mothers in your lineage who protected, loved, and nurtured their babes — womb to womb — for generations.